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WOW PvP Honor Guide

The honor system rewards players to participate in the player-versus-player combat. By defeating other players and achieving PvP objectives, players earn honor points that they can use to buy a wide range of rewards.You receive honorable to defeat enemy combat players, provided that they are within an acceptable range of your character's level. Each Honorable will you bring a reward of honor points. The amount of honor you receive scales similarly to receive experience of a monster. There are several factors that influence the value of such an honour kill:

The level of your victim: to receive the honor, you must not significantly outlevel your opponent. The name of your opponent appears in colored text showing their level compared to yours, with the same grey to the Red regime which applies to monsters. Kill a grey player gives no honor, while the red player is significantly higher than your level. To receive the honor that you concentrate on the players around your own level.Your own: the higher level you are, more you receive for Honorable of the same level or group opponents.Solo: The members of a group or raid will share Honor gains from kills in the same way as XP. However, the raid on XP penalty does not apply to the honour. Lower level members will get a smaller portion of the honor. Diminishing returns for honor kills on the same enemy still apply while in a group or raid.Contribution: You must contribute to the Honorable to receive the honour. Contribution includes damage to the enemy, but also includes control of the crowds, and healing those that in the battle with the enemy.This being: you must be alive and close to the slaughter at the time of the kill to get your share of the honor.

Killing one of the powerful NPCs considered leaders of their race nets a high amount of honor. These racial leaders are all on a two hour spawn timer, and the bonus for their defeat is divided between participating solo characters, groups and raids based on battle contribution.Each has special objectives which grant a bonus of honour for their completion. Each Member of the faction that completes an objective will win this honour bonus. For each field of battle, the objective that grants honor bonus more is simply win the game. Other objectives will focus on the characteristics of the battle fields themselves. For example, in Warsong Gulch, capturing the enemy flag grant a bonus of honour on the side capture. Completing bonus objectives is an important source of honor, and complete them will provide a gain more rapid honor to simply kill the enemy players on a field of battle.

Azeroth and Outland provide broad opportunities to fight against other players in the great outdoors. World PvP objectives placed at strategic locations encourage such a conflict, especially on PvE servers, where the threat of fighting PvP is not as widespread as on PvP servers. These special objectives grant bonus honor much in the same way that objective.As battlefields of patch 2.4, the honour is more calculated every night! Instead, the honor is immediately and directly added in total in the upper part of the tab PvP your character preceded by the word honour sheet. This award is available to be spent immediately.