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Blizzard is not afraid of DOTA 2 or League Of Legends

Blizzard is not afraid of ' DOTA 2' or ' League Of Legends'

Blizzard is these days of celebration with the Blizzcon event , which announced the arrival of their card game platforms to advertise more initially, but have also given statements about his upcoming projects , in this case, on " Heroes of the Storm ' the company primerMOBA .

Without fear of anything

Alan Dabiri , Blizzard during Blizzcon has chatted with the portal Computer & Videogames , who asked him if the company is concerned about the competition that will find its title in two heavyweights of the genre as' Dota 2 'and ' League of Legends ' queBlizzard something not think.

For the company, the proposal will get its title bid attract regular players of the two currently successful MOBA into their ranks because according Dabiri , the company will continue with its idea of ​​introducing new genres differentiating elements that already exist.

" When we launched ' Starcraft ' or ' Warcraft ' had a lot of strategy games in real time, so did 'World of Warcraft ' and with ' Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft ,'" says the chief engineer.

" We always put a touch of Blizzard about it, and I think people have come to appreciate . Personally , I think he has shown over the years that we have been able to succeed with this approach ," says confident , so Asked if differentiator believe that will be enough to beat its closest rivals was mandatory.

Dabiri said that thinks so , that will be enough to beat them and attracting his players to his title, saying that it is concerned about other people and industry projects , which are currently focused on making a great game that is fun .

' Dota 2' has just set a new milestone in the eSports by offering the highest prize in the history of these events. The third annual edition of this tournament has just reached $ 2.6 million , which is that proportion of the money you invest each user buy upgrades or accessories in the game is intended to increase it total prize .

Not surprised by their achievements

One of the analysts ' Dota 2', Matthew " Cyborgmatt " Bailey , has given an interview to Gamespot in citing these impressive economic performance and have achieved so exorbitant prize not surprised at all: "The speed with which we have achieved our goals loapasionada just goes to show is dedicated to the community of ' Dota 2'. Besides that, we have supported the work of Valve after the initial launch with the introduction of the cards , international challenges , prizes ... "

The above eSports league with the highest prize was the ' Dota 2' held in Los Angeles in October 2012 with a jackpot of $ 1,970,000 . "The International 3 " will take place between 7 and 11 days agostoen the Benaroya Hall in Seattle .