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RS Legenday Mash Up

This week in Runescape, you have more choice of playing with EOC system and complex, customisabel interfaces or in Legacy Mode with EOC/Legacy Mash up. From the RS beta, a serie of interface and gameplay options fresh out.

To accompany the release of the two drakes, they've revamped the way that legendary pets work. They now can have up to three abilities active at one time. These are equipped in slots, which are unlocked as your pet reaches new growth stagess.

You have six new improvement for your legenary pets. Your pet will automatically finish off slayer monsters that usually require an item, saving you an inventory slot. Once per hour, you can use a repairable degrading item on your pet to repair it immediately. This works and costs the same as using the POH armor stand.

Use a beast of burden familiar pouch on your pet to grant it the according level of BoB capacity. You must have the necessary Summoning level to use the pouch, and you can use more pouches to stack or renew the duration up to 2 hours.

Once per 10 minutes, use an item on your pet to convert it to coins, as per the High Alchemy spell. This requires no runes, and gives no Magic XP. Every hour, your pet will answer the call of nature. The results-Only viewable to you can be picked up for six buckets of super compost.

Your pet will save you from death, as per a ring of life. Note that this does not work in PvP areas and has a two-hour cooldown.

Forage has an improved drop table, and foraged coins are now added straight to your money pouch. Scavening now begins as soon as the ability activates, has an improved interface, and your pet will more reliably delier items it picks up.

Look forward to more updates this week in Runescape, like treasure Hunter. Have a nice trip in Runescape.