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OSRS DDoS Attacks: Would There Be Any Way Better Than Upgrade Service?

According to Jagex's publishing, they are focused on some of the "more pressing issues", such as Nightmare Zone, Zulrah and the skeletal wyverns, etc. Among all, the ongoing ddos attacks that began after a recent ban wave are the biggest priority for dev team at the moment. Although Jagex have indicated to improve the service for solution, there are many other discussions about the solutions. Come to have a look!

Reasons & impact of ddos attacks

As it was announced on official website, "this came about as we started to ban the accounts which have been ddossing the servers. In retaliation these people started to attack the servers once more". Briefly, the ddossers are doing this because they got banned. While considering that reason, some players complain that Jagex should make preparation as they shall know there would be retribution. Although it is not Jagex's fault, it is actually understandable that many players lost their precious rs items that earned by multiple hours of hard work. Due to this negative impact, some players told to cancel membership before Jagex does something drastic and make the service healthier. So what is the best measure to deal with this problem?

Jagex's measure to fight against ddoser

To solve this problem, Jagex indicates that the dev team will still put effort into making the network resilient and upgrading the service to be more safe. In addition, kinder death mechanics is added into game, so players can have a good chance of retrieving any lost items when die from ddos attacks.

Some other ideas from players

As Jagex told that it need time to do more works, players shall know it won't be short time before a safe service releases, and thus get anxious to give some other suggestions. The most common one is to pay a business to help protect, but at the same time, some other players think DDOS protection is too expensive to worth the cost. Besides, it is not a perfect measure with consideration of long-term development.

Then, legal action seems another measure that provided by players. Maybe trace things to know find out the ddosers. Although good ddoser would have most paths back to their info blocked etc, Jagex should find ways to find IP and locations past those blocks. What do you think about it?

Well, some of players' suggestions may be helpful for a while, but those are not permanent solution. Anyway, ddos attacks would repeat in the future with account getting banned. Thus, upgrading the service may be the best choice. Fortunately, ddos never keeps forever, so keep hope and you will usher in a better network. At that moment, don't forget to buy cheap rs 2007 gold for sale on RS3gold!


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