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Bioware will Announce Actions to Buff Swtor Companions Next Monday

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After collecting feedbacks about swtor companion nerf from the official forums, Reddit, and more, Eric Musco told that the team will take actions to buff companions. Detailed plans will be introduced next Monday. Concerns remained as if new changes will be reasonable, but it is good that Bioware is listening to feedbacks efficiently.

Plan to buff Swtor companions will be revealed soon

Swtor community manager, Eric Musco has published a new post that concerns recent players' feedback about healing reduction on companion after the last Star Wars: The Old Republic patch, telling that Bioware has taken player feedback into consideration and will give an "action list" of things to buff companions a bit, including the concerns about Heroic Missions and Star Fortress, which are regarded as impossible missions since the nerf of companions.
Musco said in the post: "We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress."

It is good that Bioware handle problems well so far

What changes are you expected to see next week? Will they reduce H2+ Star Fortress mobs health 10-25%, boost the initial boost, or buff companions up a bit more? Among lots of complaints and negative statements, there are a number of people who are not too fussed about the current state of companions, but they are impressed at how fast the devs have been moving with collecting feedback and coming up with adjustments. We all hope that this new buff will get things to a state that works for most players. It remains to be seen if the actual changes will be reasonable (and it is obvious that they won't please everyone), but it is no deny that BioWare should be applauded for their stellar communication and follow-up to community concerns. Still, it is reasonable that while listening to the feedback, Bioware should be testing before they make a change to avoid out-of-control contents and prevent players from wasting more time, swtor credits, cartel coins, etc.

Will you stay because of Bioware's good handling with communication, or new expectation on companions? I'm expecting maybe some changes to how influence/presence scales? Stay tuned on Swtor2credits for further information next week, also, it is the best place to buy credits swtor, where you can enjoy fast delivery and cheap price with the upcoming 10% off discount promo.

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