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What Makes A Mobile Application Successful?

Mobile application development has become quite a hot topic ever since the rise in the market demand for quality and unique applications. Developing mobile applications are no rocket science, but the intricacies involved in this are complex one, especially for those with less software and computer knowledge.Successful mobile application is one which serves all the user purpose simply and cost-effectively. A mobile application that is simple to use and easy to understand attracts larger customer attention. Some of the most common yet effective factors that make a mobile application development successful are as follows:• Timely information/details – When a user is out of his/her home, the individual is more interested in what is happening around or what is going to happen, all these are served by mobile applications. If you have created a mobile application that doesn’t serve this purpose, it is going to a flop release. The application should give comprehensive data on every question a user has like whether I should open a bar in this place or should I open a gents or ladies salon? This is the reason why Facebook, Twitter, email, weather and other apps are most successful.• Alerts – Applications that provide alerts about a particular thing via call, email or message are widely liked by the audience. Timely information is critical, so alerting someone with your new application will surely take it on the peak of success. A simple alert application telling you train or flight is delayed, your doctor appointment will be tomorrow or others can also lead to its success.• Simplicity – Anything simple to use and understand is used in numbers by users. A complex application leads to confusion, which isn’t good for your app's success. A sophisticated application does not mean it should be confusing in usage. No matter how interesting and unique your application will be, if it is confusing it will lose the market value. So, focus on simplicity rather than complexity to show off your skills and development talent.• Sharable – A good application is one that is transferable and helps in easy share. The stickiness and share-ability of the application is directly related to their success. This feature is important because with sharing feature the social network would be useless.There are several factors that contribute to the success of a mobile application. Other factors are pairing with multiple devices, an application that spreads location awareness, one that molds as per the situation or requirement.