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WoW PvP Guide - Arena Communication

Communication can arguably be the most important thing to any successful arena team or premade battle ground team. It doesn’t matter how good you and your teammates are, or how powerful your setup is, communication is a must. Just typing to each other is a bad idea, its very hard to type and play at the same time. If you or your teammates are constantly having to try typing while playing, or stop playing to type it will put you at a serious disadvantage all around. So what you want to do is make sure that you and your teammates have a microphone so you all can communicated with each other.

Once you have a microphone setting it up is as easy as plugging it into your computer. But just having a microphone isn’t enough to talk to your teammates, you need some chat program that you all can get on. The default blizzard microphone chat system is junk. Its very low quality you can’t understand the other person and is really just a huge pain the butt to use. I suggest that you get a program like ventrilo, skype, or teamspeak. Skype is my personal favorite because it’s got very high quality, you don’t need to push to talk button, and you don’t need a server you can just call anyone and start a chat.

Now that you have a microphone and a means of communication you want to get your whole team into whatever you are using as the means of communication, skye, ventrilo, teamspeak, etc. With your whole team in there you want to pick one person to call out the majority of what need to be done, such as the main target you guys should get on. Or how the crowd control should be set up, and what order interrupts are going in.

Even thought you picked one main person to call the majority of the stuff that’s going on, what the plan is, everyone on the team should be calling stuff out aswell. The healer should be calling out how he is doing on heals, whether someone need to play defensive or if its fine and they should keep going offensive because heals are coming. The damage people, and even the healer, should call out when they use their cooldowns so the rest of the team knows the situation going on. Most importantly if the healer calls out when he uses his cool downs the damage know that they don’t need to worry about the healer or whether or not someone on their team is susceptible to a death or not.

This is just one of my articles posted to help you in your game and push yourself forward to domination. If you would like to check out more on PvP Domination Secrets you can visit my blog at Secret Warcraft Guide I hope you found this useful and good luck in the game. Darren