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Customizing your NCAA 09 for Your Ultimate Xbox 360 Gaming Experience

Thanks to the power of technology, you can customize everything, from your online avatar to your daily wardrobe - and yes, you can get the ultimate NCAA 09 experience for your Xbox 360. Thanks to development in the NCAA 09 game (which will be out soon), you can have better players, better plays, and even more enjoyable gaming features to explore.

Here are a few examples of how you can customize your NCAA 09 for a more fun Xbox 360 gaming experience:

- The simplest way to customize your Xbox is to change the interface and get a theme that you want. This is available largely in College Hoops, where you can change themes to fit NCAA member schools. So if you're a big Oklahoma State fan, you may want to get your fingers ready to push some buttons and feed your school obsession.

- The Campus Legend mode in NCAA football is quite an experience to go through. In this special mode, you actually step into the big shoes of an athlete in your choice of school: you need to excel in the field and rack up the points, and you need to keep a great GPA. Talk about reality!

In this mode, you can pick whether you take over the life of an existing student player in the NCAA roster, or create a new student player. This means that at the beginning of your game, you can immediately pick whether you will have new players created out of your imagination, or players who actually exist but who will be your special pawns for your game.

- The Create a Legend Mode will make your NCAA football customizing even more fun. Through this special mode, you can make your player fit your standards of fitness. You can give names to your individual players and have names as common as your John or Jim, or as outlandish and exotic as your Babaganoush and Badzilla (it isn't recommended that you actually baptize your poor footballers with some really horrendous names, but you get the point). You can even change your players' features, such as specifying the height and weight that you would like them to have.

- Still in Create a Legend Mode is the ability to change your players' accessories. Do you want them to have special elbow pads? Are you looking for a specific brand of shoes? There are many things that you can customize in this mode, and you can outfit your players to wear what you want them to wear.

- Having a game of football in the rain can be the ultimate challenge to any NCAA football fan who believes that his or her players are in the best shape to run through the mud and get a touchdown even with the heavens pouring down. For beginners, a nice sunny day in spring could be a great way to be introduced to football. Thanks to new modifications, you can customize the weather in which your team will play in NCAA!

- You can also get free downloads online, through Xbox live, where you can get rosters updates as well as tips on how you can better improve your game. If you can't upload the rosters yourself to your Xbox 360, lots of roster editors providing new memory cards filled with roster files can help you here. If you have your own memory card, you can send it to the roster editor instead and it will be mailed back to you. Such rosters can allow you to have a ready made team - talk about customizing your entire play!

These are only a few tricks and customizing aspects in the new NCAA 09 and your Xbox 360. Actually, you're about to learn more since NCAA 09 will surely be packed with new gaming features. If you want to learn more about how to further enjoy your Xbox gaming experience, talk to your fellow gamers, and keep yourself updated on the latest in gaming through online message boards, forums, and news sites. With customized games, you can certainly have more fun playing NCAA 09 with your Xbox 360 console.