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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 85: Priority: Earth Part 7

Once you have cleared out the street of Reapers, you will need to head into the old storefront and fight the enemies within. Climb through the chest-high ledge on the storefront, and take cover behind the shelves. Move from shelf to shelf so that the Reapers can’t get a solid bead on you. Keep transitioning from one shelf to the next, taking out Reapers as you go, to wipe the store clean of enemies and reach the other side. Turn around when you reach the back to find a few more Reapers, and take them out quickly from behind.

Grab the Med Kit from the back of the room, next to the counter. Continue through the building to face more enemy attacks. Take cover against the pillar running down the center of the store. From here, you can get a view of either side of the action. Order one of your squad-mates to take cover to on the downed shelf directly ahead, and the other to cover the left flank. Enemies will try to rush up through the little opening between the downed shelf and the standing shelves on your right side, so having a squad-mate positioned by the fallen shelf can be really helpful. As the enemies rush through, your first squad-mate will attack. Pop out from cover and support them, letting your other squad-mate cover your back in case any enemies try to run around from the left side.

Kill all of the enemies, then head to the far left side of the room. Climb up through the windows to reach the other side. You will be faced with a large crater full of chunks of destroyed concrete. While this area may initially appear safe, it is actually far from it. A group of enemies will be waiting just on the other side of the crater to ambush you. You can either trigger the ambush yourself by running directly into the crater and taking cover on the pillar the pops out to the left, or you can spare yourself the extra damage and send one of your squad-mates down to lure the enemies out. Either way, once the enemies are out, spread out your squad to cover as many angles as possible. There will be three different pieces of cover inside of the crater, each of which will face in a different direction. Take cover behind the broken pillar to the left, and then send one of your squad-mates to take cover behind the pillar with a large crack in it all the way to the right. Send your last squad-mate to take cover behind the small chunk of pillar that pops out towards the middle of the crater. With these three positions acquired, you will be able to cover every spot where the enemy pops out on the battlefield ahead.

Kill all of the enemies from this position in cover, then leave the crater and head across to the building on the other side. You will come to two more enemies firing at you from a house. Climb through the window of the house and take out the last two enemies with close range attacks. Proceed through the house farther to encounter more enemies. There will be a small army made up of Cannibals and Marauders inside of the house. Take cover against the door and fire into the next room. If you need a distraction, summon a Combat Drone or a Decoy and send it into the next room to take the heat off of yourself before peering out to aid it with bursts of gunfire. If you are playing a Vanguard class, you can Biotic Charge into the room instead of taking cover by the door. Go for the enemy closest to the center, then use Nova to stun the enemies around you. Hit them all with a Shotgun or charged melee attack to finish the job. Infiltrators can do something similarly, cloaking themselves to get into the room unseen while their allies, positioned on either side of the door, distract the enemies with gunfire and Decoys.

When this room is cleared out, head to the right to reach the next room. You will come to a large window looking out into a firefight in the streets ahead. Take cover by the window and kill the Reapers outside. There will be a staircase by the trash can outside, and enemy reinforcements will flow up from here after you begin firing. Keep your sights trained on the stairs to eliminate the enemies as they walk onto the battlefield. If you are having trouble getting all of the enemies who pop out, leave your squad positioned by the window to take most of the heat and flank around to the left side. Leave through the door and enter the alley. When the enemies have turned to engage your squad-mates in the window, take cover behind the dumpster and pop out to kill them. This strategy works especially well for Infiltrators, as they can use Tactical Cloak to avoid being spotted. Sentinels can also make good use of their Tech Armor ability here by getting up close and personal with the enemies from their left flank.

As you proceed deeper into the alley, a Brute will emerge and charge you. Circle strafe around the collection of red barrels to keep something between you and the Brute. Send your squad to either side of the alley, to keep the Brute’s attention split between the three of you. The alley is fairly narrow, and if the Brute charges you while you are all clumped together, it can deal heavy damage to your entire squad at once. If you have any ammo powers that weaken armor, such as Incendiary Ammo, activate them for your squad and unload on the Brute. The combined assault from all sides should be enough to kill the Brute quickly. When all of the enemies are finally dead, head inside of the building to find a Medical Station containing some Med Kits on the wall. Also, be sure to grab the Datapad from the shelf to the right of where the Brute attacked you.