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Demonology Warlock Talent Leveling Build And Leveling Spec

Warlock Talent Leveling Guide and Leveling Spec

Warlocks are my favorite class for leveling in WoW. I have leveled a Warlock using both Demonology and Destruction builds and am currently testing the Affliction build for leveling.

Demonology has to be the quickest and easiest method for leveling a Warlock. For my Demonology build I only left out 2 of the available talents which were Demonic Embrace and Master Summoner. Neither of these talents are particularly good for leveling purposes and the talent points can be better spent in the Destruction talent tree.

Dark Arts and Fel Synergy are the first 2 talents you'll want to assign your points to, Demonic Embrace can be skipped for now and picked up a little later. The key is to move down the tree in this build so in tier 2 you'll want to take Demonic Rebirth, Demonic Aegis and Mana Feed and then move further down the talent tree from there.

Next you will want to take Impending Doom which is a great ability and assign 3 talent points here before taking both Demonic Empowerment and Improved Health Funnel. Now your Warlock has some cool abilities to reserve both health and mana and some nice damage dealing abilities too.

The next ability you'll want to take is Hand of Gul'dan. Then take Aura of Foreboding, assigning both available talent points here before moving down the tree again and taking Inferno. Next I would assign 2 talent points to both Ancient Grimoire and Decimation.

Now you can take both Cremation and Demonic Pact. Next you want to back track slightly and assign 2 points to Molten Core. Once this is complete you can then take the Metamorhosis ability before placing one more talent point in Molten Core.

That makes for a great Warlock leveling build and there are still 9 talent points that are free to use. I would recommend a hybrid build here of Destruction. The destruction tree can give the Warlock that nice damage output boost.

Personally I would take Bane which will speed up leveling as it will reduce the casting time of your Shadow bolt, Chaos bolt and Immolate spells. Improved Immolate is another nice ability that will increase the damage done by your Immolate spell which is a DoT (damage over time) spell and then I would take Aftermath and Emberstorm from tier 2 of the Destruction talent tree to complete the Warlock talent leveling build.

Prime Glyths I recommend for this build are Felguard , Incinerate , Corruption

Major Glyths I recommend for this build are Shadowflame , Soul Link , Death Coil