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How To Farm Gold In Cataclysm To Get Your Vial Of The Sands

Many players don't know how to farm gold in Cataclysm enough to pay their repair bills or to get enchantments for their gear, therefore, getting a super mount like Vial of the Sands is pretty much out of their reach. Therefore, in this report I will try to provide solutions for all categories of players that spend time in World of Warcraft.

But before I provide you with these solutions, I want to make a few aspects clear. Players of WoW can be categorized by many criteria. For example, considering the content they prefer, there are PvP and PvE players, considering the way they farm their gold, you will find farmers, gatherers, crafters and AH brokers, and by the time they spend in-game, there are casuals, average and hardcore players. The solutions that I will relate here, concern the last 3 categories that I mentioned.

Also, I have to add that, even though the Winged Guardian was introduced in the game, and it's quite a very nice looking mount, which you can buy from the pet store with real money, it's far from being as useful as the Vial of the Sands. The last one allows you to turn into a drake and transport a friend almost anywhere in the game. Therefore, if you want to boost a friend you can quickly take them wherever they want, plus the aspect of the drake is pretty cool. But since it costs a lot of gold, not many players even dream about getting it.

So, here's how you can raise money for this mount, depending on the available time for WoW that you have.

1. Solution for casual players. Casual players don't have too much time to be in game. For this type of player, 15-30 minutes every day, sometimes is more than they can afford to log in.

As a casual player, the best way to earn huge amounts of gold is Auction House brokerage. In other words, buying low and selling high. However, this method is risky, and it requires you to already have a certain amount of gold to invest. To be successful this way, you need to learn everything about the supply and demand on your realm. The best way to do that is to work with addons or with a specialized WoW gold guide.

2. Solution for average WoW players. The average WoW player spends 2-3 hours every day, usually completing dailies, running an instance or playing a few arena matches or BGs. I consider myself an average player too. So, since you have a lot more time on your hands than the players in the first category, you can always combine crafting, gathering, or even instance farming with AH trading. For example, as an Enchanter, you can always buy cheap materials for certain enchantments, put them on scrolls and sell them for high prices.

3. Solution for hardcore players. Hardcore gamers don't need too much advice on how to farm gold in Cataclysm. However, here's an idea that will bring you high profits and also fit to your hardcore style.

You can always assemble groups for trash farming in high end instances and reserve the first BoE epic for yourself. This way, you will exercise your leadership skills and also make loads of gold, since epics sell for very high prices.

Final word: No matter in which category you find yourself, it takes time to learn how to farm gold in Cataclysm, using all means available. To grasp all that information, I confess, I've been working with a very nice WoW gold guide. However, it worked for me, since I managed to get my Vial of the Sands mount in about one week.