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World Of Warcraft Enchanting Guide - Developing The Enchanting Skills!

The enchanting profession in World of Warcraft is quite a unique profession and grants the player the ability to enchant items which can boost their stats or provide nice little buffs. Enchanting is a primary profession and can be undertaken by any of the available classes.

If you're considering pursuing the enchanting profession then it's wise to pick tailoring as a secondary profession as this will allow you to make items that you can disenchant quickly so you have more enchanting supplies.

To start your enchanting profession you'll need to find your trainer, they can be found in the various towns and cities throughout Azeroth and if you're unsure then ask a guard on your travels and select the enchanting profession from the menu, this will place a navigation arrow on your map that will lead you to your trainer.

Your trainer will have instructions on the items required and process to getting started in the enchanting profession. As an enchanter starts to progress through their profession they become more powerful and have some pretty nice buffs they can use upon there-selves and group members meaning they are always welcomed by other players and can even use there enchanting profession at higher levels to trade and sell items with other players or to sell their enchanted items in the auction houses.

This certainly wont be true for the lower level enchanted items as no-one will require these items and the enchanting profession will also drain the gold reserves while leveling the profession, one can realistically expect to see good returns for their profession at about level 350+.

Enchanters also possess another ability known as disenchanting which enables the character to disenchant certain items to extract the materials (also known as reagents).

These reagents can then be used again to enchant other items in your inventory meaning you'll save on the cost of having to purchase the reagents and items required. A lot of the time though you'll find yourself purchasing the necessary materials from either the auction houses or the vendors located through the land of Azeroth.

It's also wise to be sure that the item you're disenchanting is an older item that has less value than comparable items in your inventory as the process of disenchanting an item cannot be undone once complete.

The process for the enchanting profession is fairly straight forward and mainly involves gathering the items and reagents, to reach the higher levels some patience and investment in gold will be required but it will pay its dividends eventually.

Not only does mastering the enchanting profession pay well but the enchanters are great assets to group raids and dungeon parties as their abilities can be shared with the group.