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Wow Blackrock Foundry Raid Guide For Iron Maidens

Blizzard released the new round hotfixes for Patch 6.1.2, which inlcuides summoned bosses and the Blackrock Foundary’s Iron Maidens being provided. Head over our webpage for more information! Today, we are going to introduce you the WoW Blackrock Foundry Guide for Iron Maidens. And you can also choose to buy WoW items here to help you accomplish challenges. Hope you can consult the guide to better your performance in World of Warcraft!

The last boss encounter in the third wing of Blackrock Foundry is against the Iron Maidens: Admiral Gar’an, Marak the Blooded, and Enforcer Sorka. Each boss has their own mechanics that need to be managed and they gain more abilities as they gain energy. All of the bosses share the energy pool which grows very slowly over time. They will reach 30 energy at roughly the 3 minute mark and then 100 energy at the 11 minute mark. However, once any single boss is dropped to 20% or lower health, they will jump to 100 energy and gain access to their most powerful abilities. Therefore DPS needs to be split evenly until all bosses reach 21% health, and then are nuked down. If you are looking for buying wow gold, raiditem is the best site for you!

The fight is broken up into several phases and is a very long fight, expect it to take 10 to 15 minutes. The three bosses and their abilities are as follows:

Marak the Blooded needs to be tanked and has an agro table. Her main ability is Blood Ritual which places a beam onto a random player. The beam lasts for 5 seconds and then deals damage down that line towards the targeted player. The first tank needs to get into that path to absorb the damage as it is enough to kill pretty much anyone else.

?At 30 energy Marak gains the Heart Seeker ability which debuffs 3 players then throws an axe at those players. The axe travels from player to player dealing huge damage to each. However, the damage is reduced by the distance that the axe has to travel, so as soon as the three players are marked they need to separate as far as possible.

?At 100 energy Marak gains Sanguine Strikes which makes every attack against the tank also cause raid wide damage. With the buffs that take place throughout the fight this damage grows very quickly.

Admiral Gar’an is not tankable, and starts out by dealing damage to random players in the raid with her Iron Shot ability. She can also deal out a lot of AOE damage with Rapid Fire. This ability marks a player and then shortly after starts sending AOE explosions at them, however if you move quickly and keep moving you can avoid all of the damage, just make sure you kite the damage away from the raid.

?At 30 energy Gar’an gains Penetrating Shot which is a 6 second cast time ability that marks a random player with a beam. After the 6 seconds the beam deals damage to everyone in it, but is split between all targets, meaning that you need to stack in the beam.

?At 100 energy Gar’an gains the ability to summon turrets. These turrets deal fire damage to random players and apply a stacking fire DOT. The turrets can be killed off, and should be so that the damage they cause is kept to a minimum.

Enforcer Sorka needs to be tanked, but will run around a lot due to her Blade Dash ability. This hits a random ranged player dealing a lot of damage to them and anyone nearby, and then jumps to another target within 8 yards, and continues to bounce until there are no more valid targets that have not already been hit. This means players need to separate as soon as she starts to dash around the room.

?At 30 energy Sorka gains Convulsive Shadows which applies 5 stacks of a DOT. The DOT deals damage every 2 seconds and then drops one of the stacks. If the DOT is cleansed off it will deal all of the damage that it would have caused all at once, which can kill a player if it was at 5 stacks, this means that it should not be cleansed.

?At 100 energy Sorka gains Dark Hunt. This allows her to mark a random player and then jump to them shortly after dealing extremely high damage. The targeted player should use any cooldown they have and healers should HOT or shield them. She will then jump back to the tank.

As if dealing with the maidens in their room was not enough, there is a ship to deal with. One minute into the fight and then every 3 minutes later, the maiden with the lowest health that has not yet been on the ship will board it and attempt to fire the main gun. You will then have 90 seconds to deal with the mechanics on the ship before the maiden that is there fires the main gun, which will wipe the raid. When a maiden boards the ship, you need to send several players over to the ship to stop this from happening.

When Marak boards the ship you need to send a tank, healer, and several ranged DPS. The tank will need to hold agro on the add, while DPS kills him. However, all players need to avoid an AOE damage pool that the add will spawn every 3 seconds under each player. Once the add dies you can activate the bombs at the rear of the ship to stop Marak and then return to the main part of the fight.

When Gar’an boards the ship you need to send melee DPS and a healer. There will be two adds that need to be dealt with. The healing add needs to be interrupted while the melee add is killed. As soon as the melee add is killed players can activate the bombs at the rear of the ship and return to the main part of the fight. We highly recommend you the best wow gold site to help you get the necessary WoW BOE item you need!

When Sorka boards the ship you will need a tank, healer, and AOE style DPS.. The main add targets random players and throws a knife that deals huge damage, however the tank can get in the way to soak the damage from the knife. Throughout the fight there will also be a huge number of adds that are summoned that apply a stacking debuff to players they hit, and therefore need to be AOE’ed down extremely quickly or the tank will be overwhelmed with damage. As soon as the main add is killed players can activate the bombs at the rear of the ship and return to the main part of the fight.

While players are on the ship are dealing with the mechanics there, the remaining players must continue to deal with the other two maidens. However, during this time waves of bombs will land in the room. There will be an initial wave with a few bombs that players need to avoid as they land, then everywhere else in the room will be hit by a second wave, meaning you need to move to the places the first wave landed. Then the first wave will start to explode, so move to where the second wave landed, then the second wave explodes, so move back to where the first wave just finished exploding. Sound complicated? It’s not, once in the fight you will see how it works and its pretty easy, basically a 1-2-1-2 dance. This is a rinse and repeat process until the boss on the boat is stopped and the player’s return.

Once the bosses get to 20% health the fight becomes insanely hectic. You need to get rid of the bosses as fast as possible, so this is where you should use Heroism. Also since Marak has the most damaging 100 energy ability, she should die first. The normal kill order is Marak the Blooded, then Admiral Gar’an, and finally Enforcer Sorka. However, keep in mind that any time a turret is summoned, it needs to die quickly.

This fight is extremely elegent and one of the best from Blizzard in a while. All of the mechanics are simple and understandable, but when tied together create an extremely challenging and rewarding encounter.

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