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Top 6 Wow Gold Making Strategies

When I first started playing World of Warcraft, I had a lot of problems. From leveling, (I was a Resto Druid), to Gold Farming (I was in Travel Form until Level 60 because I couldn’t afford the epic mount) I was doing it wrong. I was lost until a friend of mine showed me a few basic concepts. However if you follow any of these WoW Gold Making strategies, you should have a much easier time than I did while leveling.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #1: Gathering

This refers to profession specific gathering; specifically, skinning, herbalism, mining, and even fishing. These professions are used to supply crafters with all the materials they need to complete their wares. These are a solid option since you require no investment to level the professions, or to make WoW gold from them. All you need to do is invest some time to gather the materials. Only return to a main city when your bags are absolutely full. I would also recommend you acquire a profession specific bag since these can hold many more materials than your standard bags. It is best to have an optimized, low competition gathering route for all of the most profitable gathering mats.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #2: Farming

This refers to killing monsters and NPC’s for specific drops that anyone can do, regardless of profession. In most cases, you are farming for cloth, coin drops, vendor trash, and the occasional greens and blues. This can be very profitable, especially if you get an epic drop. This, however requires a little more luck, and a little risk, since high speed farming can get you killed very easily if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, knowing the best farming spots with easy to kill mobs and high drop rates is ideal.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #3: Crafting

Most people will tell you to skip the crafting professions because of the enormous investment it takes to level them up. This is true on one level, but it is quite possible to make some very good gold off of high level armor, enhancements and consumables. It helps immensely to know what will sell on your server, and there are add-ons that can help you with that, and some that can even help you level your professions in the least costly, and most profitable way possible.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #4: Dailies

Dailies are a fun departure from the monotony of farming, gathering, and leveling professions. They aren’t always as profitable, but they can give you some great rewards in terms of gear, reputation, buffs, and of course, gold. However gold is maximized when you have the ideal daily quests route that can help minimize the time you spend questing.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #5: The Auction House

The top gold makers in WoW use the auction house for all of their gold needs. This strategy is extremely risky, but it is also the most rewarding. It’s also pretty much the only way to reach the gold cap in WoW. This strategy focuses on buying items at a low price, and instantly re-listing them for a higher price. Again, there are auction house addons that can help you with this.

WoW Gold Making Strategy #6: Add-ons

You know the saying “There’s an app for that!” Well there’s an add-on for all of your gold needs as well. There are a number of different addons out there, but I personally use Manaview Tycoon. Tycoon includes a module for gathering, farming, crafting, dailies, and an auction house addon. Not only does it assist with each of the previously mentioned gold making strategies, it practically automates making Gold in WoW. I have made thousands of gold since installing Tycoon, and it has made a world of difference for me.