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Pro Flight Simulator Review

Pros and Cons of Pro Flight Simulator.

One of the must popular flight simulstors you will find online is the pro flight simulator.What is a flight simulator? The pro flight simulaator is a gaming and realistic flight simulator. You can play games or simulate flying different types of planes.

The simulator comes with impressive stats and details. It has realistic landmarks and scenery from all over the globe which is very accurate.

Not only do the simulator have accurate scenery but it also has accurately maped solar systems . It also has accurate weather patterned systems. It makes you feel like you are traveling the earth from country to country and various wearher systems.

The pro simulator system has a massive collections of planes for you to fly. When you get the systen the plane collection will be updated by the developers.

Lets explore the pros of the system.

1. Very realistic

It is very realistic it is built to be as close to real as possible. The terrain and the aircraft is designed to be as accurate as possible.

2. Large selection of aircraft and maps.

It is impressive to fly over very detalied earth settings in very realistic aircraft. You will fly in the earliest of aircraft to the most modern aircraft.

3. Very accurate mapping

It has accurate mapping of the solar systen and also has real time weather . If you want to fly over Texas it will simulate the weather in Texas.

4. You will get bonusus.

inter active scenery designer, kelpie flight planner and combat flight simulator game.

5. Multiplayer options.

It has formation flying and chatting which is very realistic.

6. It has a money back guarantee.

It comes with 60 days money bac guarantee and if there is anything you don't like about the games or is not satisified with it you can get your money back no questions asked.

7. You will get lifetime updates.

This means you will always get the latest updates so you will be getting this continually.

Now with all the above pros there are some cons.

Lets explore the cons.

1. It takes a bit of time to download the system.

The size of this package is not small.With all the blueprints a such it may take a couple of hours depending on the speed of your connection.

2. You may find it a little overwhelming.

First starting you may find it a little overwhelming because of all the different aircraft, maps etc you will have to deal with.

3. Remember this is a simulator.

This is not an arcade game its a real simulator some may think this is a pro but some may like arcades better.

For my money the pro flight simulator is the best on the market. It will keep you busy for a long time visiting aor planet from the comfort of your own living room.