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How To Properly Review Videogames - What You Need To Know

In the short time I’ve been blogging, I’ve learned a few things, but this isn’t what this article is about. That is where I got started. This article is going to help you specifically with reviewing videogames. Videogames are a passion of mine. I’ve been playing them since I was a kid, and I can remember the first videogame I ever received. It was crash bandicoot for the PlayStation 1. You can read all about it on my blog, of which I will be posting the link at the end of this article. Anyways, since I’m so passionate about videogames, I decided to blog about them. Here are some tips to make your articles (or blogs) successful ones.

1) Try not to give out any spoilers

The art of a videogame is exploration. If you give spoilers out, it kind of ruins the videogame experience for the player. Therefore, it is imperative that you don’t give any spoilers away. If you must give them away for storyline purposes (explained below), you should tell them about any spoilers before you really get into the content of your article.

2) Explain the storyline

For people unfamiliar with the game you’re talking about, you should explain the storyline, so they have some basis for opinion. Explaining the storyline will allow the reader to submerse themselves in the game, which will increase their desire to play it. You don’t want to give away anything shocking (thus spoilers), but you do want to tell them enough to give them an idea of what you’re talking about. It will help.

3) Explain any oddities

By this I mean explain what type of game it is, and what you have to do. For example, you may have to make things, or you may have to find things. Explaining these things to your reader will help them understand the game even more.

4) Explain any hard parts

If you can, explain any difficult parts of the game to your reader, and explain how you over came them. Explaining these things can prepare your reader if they decide to play the game.

5) Be honest

The best advice I can give is be honest. If you hated the same, say so. If you couldn’t beat the game, be honest about it. If the game absolutely sucks, say so. People love honesty, and they can sense if you’re not being honest. So be yourself, people will thank you for it.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know what you the reader will think of this article, but this is the best advice I can give you. So if you like this article, please comment and share it. If you don’t, that’s fine too. If you don’t like it, please tell me how I can improve. Thank you for reading, I do appreciate it. If you want to know about blogging, I would suggest that you go to Wealthy Affiliate

If anyone is interested in reading my blog, you can find it at my blog.

Peace out,
