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Silent Hill HD Collection: Childhood Nightmares Revisited

As a child, Silent hill was another one of those games I had a difficult time playing at night. Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't the controls or the fact that majority of the places had bad lighting, but rather the game literally scaring the crap out of me. But it's a good thing and most of these developers need to sit down and take notes on an old school horror game.

Silent Hill HD Collection is just what it sounds, remakes of the previous Silent hill games. These games Follow the characters of James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2, and Heather in Silent Hill 3. Konami felt compelled to correct of the issues of the old games plus giving the fans something they have been begging for in forums and other various blogs. Some of the updates is the better use of lighting, some new voice actors for the characters and a slight upgrade to the visuals (Though you will still clearly tell this was a port from the Playstation 2.)

Honestly, that's fine...because most of what you played about a decade ago, is still here. The controls of the game will feel somewhat clunky by today's standards, but back then they were innovative and worked for it's time. Each game had those "Don't want to move" kind of moments. For the old players, they will remember the breathing hallways, the whispers, rattling doorknobs, and even that pretty looking picture. You know the whole "There was a hole here, It's gone now" message written in blood. And that's just from Silent hill 2 alone.

While Silent hill 2 was labeled by many gamers as a "horror masterpiece", Silent Hill 3 followed along giving a similar feel. This game had its fair share of creepy moments like the ghost from the subway train, or the phone call singing happy birthday to Heather, even the mirror room where everything you saw in the mirror ended up happening in the room.

Again, this is something today's developers should take note of. Also, with the price tag being $39.99, you are getting a great value. For old players and fans of the genre, they will be able to relive those moments that gave us nightmares and forever remained etched in our minds. For new players, this is to show you what the old school horror games has to offer.

My Opinion on the HD Collection

Considering to the fact that this game just dropped today, you can go to your local game store or wherever you buy your games from and pick this bad boy up. I would even go as far to say that some of the concepts from these 2 games were most likely used in current horror movies and in upcoming ones. This Collection is something old and possibly new fans alike will be able to enjoy.