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A WoW Gold Farming Guide For Druids

Druids are one of the most versatile classes, and that makes them my favorite. No doubt about it, the versatility of a druid makes them one of the best WoW Gold Farming classes out there. Read on to learn a few of my favorite WoW Gold Farming strategies with druids.

Druid WoW Gold Farming Guide Part 1: What to Farm

Herbs and Ores – These are pretty simple, very profitable, and don’t require any particular spec. However, they do require that you have the Herbalism and/or Mining professions. Check your auction house and find out exactly what sells for a good amount of gold. See Part 3 for a better explanation on this.

Cloth – This is one thing that any class can farm, but druids are particularly good at it. Any humanoid, and some dragonkin will drop these. You get a great buff to cloth drops if you are a tailor. This is worth tons of gold due to the high demand of cloth by tailors, and first aid, which almost every player should have. Again, check your auction house to see exactly which types of cloth are valuable on your server. Again, see part 3.

Skins – This is always in high demand by leatherworkers. You can stand to profit handsomely by being their supplier. Farming Dragonkin and Worgen are an excellent option since they drop greys, coin, and can be skinned.

Druid WoW Gold Farming Guide Part 2: How to farm

You have a few different options as a druid. If you are farming something that does not require combat or kills, then flight form is your best friend. Since flight form is instant, you can move much more quickly than others. In fact, collecting herbs doesn’t even break flight form. This alone sets Druids way ahead of others in WoW Gold Farming

For farming particular mobs for skins, leather, or other drops, you have a few different options. Feral druids are an excellent choice, since you don’t have any downtime. However, they aren’t often the best AoE Farmers. Cat druids can quickly move very quickly, applying DoT Bleeds and watching their prey die while they move on to the next.

If you have to take on a clustered group of mobs, you can shift to bear form, Swipe, and Thrash mobs down. If Berserk is up, use that and spam Mangle since it will hit multiple enemies. Depending on your defensive abilities, you can handle 10-15 mobs at a time, and burn them all down fairly well.

If you are Balance, then you have the perfect AoE Farmer. First, drop your Wild Mushrooms (You should have Fungal Growth for this). Then Moonfire Spam as many mobs as you can handle. Once they are all in range, activate starfall, detonate your mushrooms, pop flight form or travel form to move a safe distance away, and Hurricane them. You should have Glyph of Hurricane to slow movement speed. This will keep them at a distance and finish them off as they approach you. If not, typhoon them back and repeat Hurricane. This AoE strategy makes Druids kings of WoW Gold Farming.

Druid WoW Gold Farming Guide Part 3: Where to Farm

Ultimately, what and where you farm depends highly on your server’s economy. What is selling hot right now? Find something that is in high demand, low supply. That means that when you find the right farming spots, you can control the market on this item. There are WoW Auction House add-ons that can help you with this. One add-on in particular that I prefer is called Tycoon. Not only does it scan your auction house and tell you what is profitable, it shows you an optimized low competition WoW Gold Farming route. This has made me thousands of gold, and I highly recommend it.