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Runescape Island Of Koivula

This one is suggesting a island what as big as Fremennik Isles. A new place to go for you in Runescape. Are you tired with the runescape areas? Wondering to expand more continents? Look at the Island of Koivula first.

Koivula is as big as Fremennik Isles. It is shaped like a vertical infinity symbol. It is like when two circles are attached to each oth-er at the edges. The northern area is forested but infested with moss trolls, horse flies and mosquitoes. The southern area is populated by Koivulan people and their village is called Harju.

Northern part of Koivula is mostly forested area in the island. There are birches, pines, aspens and spruces in the forested area. In the middle of the northern area is a big round lake where you can fish some perch, vendace, ruff and walleye. There is a red granite and quartz mine in the southeastern part of the northern area. Two resource dungeons are found in the northern area.

The northern area is really an ideal place to skill Mining, Woodcutting and Fishing but to make skilling harder and to make annoyance to players, there is some wildlife to disturb your skilling. Minor threats include mosquitoes and horse flies that cause really minimum damage all the time.

Southern part of Koivula contains Koivula people's home village Harju. It is as big as Jatizso and it is led by chief Touko. The village has a farming store, a general store, a hunter store and a fishing store. For skill training, there are a forge, a kitchen range, sawmill, a loom and farming patches in the village.

Koivulan people, resembling Finns, are quiet and serious people, before getting a drink. While Fremennik and Moon Clan follow Fremennik gods, Koivulan people have their own deities but they still belong to Fremennik pantheon. That's why Harju has an altar inside its long hall where you can also swap spellbooks to Lunar spellbook. In a nutshell Koivulan people are like a Buy RS Gold combination of Fremennik and Lunar people.

There are skilling methods and you can train your skills in the island. More detailde skilling can be found here.

At world's end, this is a quest suggested by a Runescape player. The quest is so lovely that we'd like to introduce to all of runescape adventures. Maybe someday, you will see it updated in the game.

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