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Tales Of Xillia 2 Side Quest Guide

Tales Of Xillia 2 Side Quest Guide

Tales Of Xillia 2 Side Quest Guide

Tales Of Xillia 2 has tons of side quests for you to do while you are completing the main game. Use this guide to help you find and complete all the side quests in the game. Let’s get started.

Side Quests

Side quests in Tales Of Xillia 2 are different from the previous games. In this one all the side quests are connected no matter what town you are in. The further you get in the game the more quests become unlocked. I will try to list when a quest became available to me. Also you can complete some quests more than once. If you are looking for a specific quest use Ctrl + F to help you find it.

Precise Measurements: You need to find 4 fossilized shells and return to complete this quest. I actually found these at a shiny spot on the Alest highroad.

Leaf Mold: Another gathering quest that takes 2 beast dungs. You can find these on the Alest highroad at shiny spots of by defeating Alest horses.

Alest Ribbit Smash: Just go to the Alest highroad and kill 4 Alest Ribbits. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

Defeat Alest Plant: Go out to Alest road and kill the Alest Plant. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

The Girl’s Gift: You will need 10 Beautiful Feathers in order to complete this quest. I found some at shiny spots on the Alest highroad. You can also get them from the enemy birds on the road. After you have the feathers go give them to the girl at the train station and then you can complete the quest.

Grandfather Crab: You will need to turn in one Land Crab to complete this quest. I got these off of shiny spots on the Alest highroad. Can be done more than once.

Horse Studies: Kill 4 Alest Horses on the Alest highroad. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

You On An Adventure?: Kill 4 Alest Chirpees on the Alest highroad. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies. This one appears often throughout the game with different enemies to kill. Just check the area on the description to find out where you need to go.

Magnetism: You will need to turn in 1 Iron Sand for the quest. I found this at a loot spot on the Alest highroad, not sure if any monsters drop them. Can be done more than once.

Old Shells: You need to turn in 2 Fossilized Shells to complete the quest. These can be found at loot spots on the highroad or on Alest Ribbits.

Beautiful Feather: You need to turn in a Beautiful Feather to complete this quest. You can get them off of Alest Chirpees or at loot spots on the highroad.

Chapter 4

One For All: This one opened up for me in chapter 4. You need to turn in a Noir Rare brandy which can be found in the Duval bar. Check behind the bar to pick it up and return it to the board.

Tales Of Xillia 2 Kitty Sightings

Jolyne’s Plea Part 1: You need to get the Wooden Badge(Second Rank) title to complete this quest. Once you have the rank collect 10 Fossilized Shells on the Alest highroad and turn it in.

Jolyne’s Plea Part 2: You need the Wooden Seal title for this quest.

Cat Research: You will have to kill 5 Ancient Cats on the Torbalan highroad. Opened at chapter 4. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

Terra Mandragora Smash: Kill 5 Terra Mandragoras on the Torbalan highroad. Opened at chapter 4. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

You On An Adventure?: You will need to kill 5 Vultures on the Torbalan highroad. Opened at chapter 4. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

Defeat Wild Boar: Take out 5 Wild Boars on the Torbalan highroad. Opens at chapter 4. You can do this again later but you will need to kill more enemies.

What Could Have Been: You will need a Tomato Omelette in order to complete this quest. You should have started with one but if not buy it one at the Inn. After that go to the ! On the map and give him the Omelette.

Kitty Sightings: In Duval near the job board there are some stairs you can go up. Up there you will find Luke laying down.

Kitty Sightings 2: Head to the train station in Trigleph and you can find the cat behind the booth with the two workers.

Kitty Sightings 3: You can find Ruby in the west Alest highroad on a rock. If you are coming from the east road you can find Ruby near the hole in the wall you can crawl into. The cat is white and kind of blends in with the rock.

It’s Okay To Cry: You can get this quest during chapter 4 and you need to bring one onion to the board. I found my onion in Dunval – Downtown near the kegs in the back corner. Check that spot and you should get some onions. You can also send your cats out to Dubar and they can come back with a onion.

Bargain Hunting: You will need one egg to complete quest. Send your cats out to Duval and they can come back with a egg.

Cut To The Quick: You will need a Chipped claw to complete this quest. Send your cats out to Duval to complete this one.

Fresh From The Farm!: You will need 1 Tuna to complete this quest. Send the cats out to Triglepgh to get what you need.

Chapter 5

The Days Of Our Lives: This is another cat catching quest. Head up to your apartment and talk to the landlady outside. After you talk to her go into the apartment and get the cat in the middle of the floor. Return to the board and turn it in.

The Debt Part 1: After you get this from the board head back to Ludger’s apartment. Check Ludger’s room and on the shelf you can find the list you need to give to Nova. You can find Nova in front of the Spirius Corporation in Triglepgh.

Chapter 7

Tales Of Xillia 2 Joleyn's Plea

I didn’t get any new quests for chapter 6.

Elle’s Belongings: After you accept the quest go to Ludger’s apartment and talk to Elle. After you talk to her return to the quest board to turn it in.

Jolyne’s Plea 3: You need to Wooden Badge title to pick this quest up. All you have to do is go to the Alest highroad and kill a Chirpee.

Dreams Of Wood: You will need to bring a Wood chunk to the board to complete this quest. You can find them on the Nia Khera Spiritway and sometimes on the Torbalan Highroad.

Some Kind Of Research: Kill 5 Water Djin on the Xagut Floodmeadow. Use element attacks on these because they are strong against all of your weapons.

Defeat Plated Boar: You can find the Plated Boars on the Xagut Floodmeadow.

Cockatrice Smash: Kill 8 cocktrice on the Xagut Floodmeadow.

Bring It!: You will need to find a Nameless seed on the Nia Khera Spiritway. Just check the loot spots and eventually you’ll find one.

Butterfly Research: Kill 8 Butterflies on the Nia Khera Spiritway.

Kitty Sighting 4: In the southeast Xagut Floodmeadow you can find Pete for this quest. Right before you get to the northeast Xagut Floodmeadow entrance you can find a hole to crawl in. Crawl in, grab the cat and return to the board to complete the quest.

Gentleman Slayer Needed: Go to the Xagut Floodmeadow and kill 5 Gentlemen.

Chirpee Smash: You will need to kill 7 Chirpees on the Nia Khera Spiritway.

Defeat Treant: Go to the Nia Khera Spiritway and kill some Treants.

Goldy Ashes: You can find the Holy Ash in Milla’s Shrine at the loot spot or by sending the cats there.

Bring It Right Now!: Send the cats to Nia Khera and they should come back with a Veggie set for this quest.

Jolyne’s Plea 2: This one actually takes a higher badge then Plea 3. Accept it then go the Torbalan Highroad and kill an Ancient Cat.

Wanted: Veggies: Send the cats to Nia Khera for a Veggie set.

Pretty Wings: Send the cats to Milla’s shrine and they should bring back Beautiful Insect Wings.

Chapter 8

Tales Of Xillia 2 Kitty Sightings 11

At this point you should get the basics for the gathering and combat quests. Look where what you need to kill and where you need to go for the kill quests. Look where you need to send your cats for the collecting loot ones. If you don’t have the spot unlocked for your cats progress a bit and it’ll become unlocked.

Kitty Sighting 5: There is a mansion in Sharliton near the Culmar Trail entrance that has the cat in it. Check next to the stairs on a chair and you will see the cat laying there.

Kitty Sighting 6: You can find this cat on Culmar Trail through a hole you need to crawl through. You can find the hole to the west of the Sharilton entrance. It is kind of hidden near a rock, if you make it to the circle you’ve gone to far.

Kitty Sighting 7: Head to the Sapstrath Deepwood South Region to find Chi-chi. There is a little ledge you can jump up in the middle of the area. Up there you will find the cat.

Kitty Sighting 8: You can find this cat in the Bermia Gorge Northwest region up some vines. Come in from the Northeast Bermia Gorge and you will be able to see the vines you need to climb on the left.

Kitty Sighting 9: This cat is in the Tatalian Abyss which I haven’t made it to yet.

Kitty Sighting 10: You can this cat on the North Sapstrath Highroad. No you can access the north part from the southwest part by going up the ledge there. Drop down to the lower level and head north to find the hole you want to take for the cat.

Kitty Sighting 11: You can find this cat on the Talys Highroad in the West region. In the center of the area you can climb some vines to a platform. Do that and grab the cat up there.

Driselle’s Crisis: You will need to bring the guns Remus(light) to Driselle outside her mansion to complete this quest. You custom order the guns from a vendor. You will lose the guns for this so make sure you don’t need them anymore. You can buy the holy symbol from the accessories vendor.

Kitty Sighting 12: You can find this cat at the top of the stairs in the Xian Du arena.

Kitty Sighting 13: Take the entrance from the temple to the roofs of Kanbalar to find this cat. You can see the cat sitting near a door with snow piled up against it, right before the castle walkway.

Kitty Sighting 14: This cat is in the Labari Hollow right past the second bridge. Take the second door and in the back room yo will find the black cat for the quest.

Kitty Sighting 15: This cat is in the Silent cave which is connected to the Mon Highlands. Inside the cave there is a hole you can crawl through and on the other side you will find Holmes.

Kitty Sighting 16: Stumbles can be found in the Sillea Tundea North Region. He is under a tree about halfway through the area laying down.

Kitty Sighting 17: This cat is in the Tulea Tundra South Region behind a rock near a treasure chest in the area. If you come from the north region the cat will be right around the corner.

This is a work in progress and I will update it more as I go along.