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. Plays May 24, 2013

Tom Orry, Editorial Director - 4 Pics 1 Word, iPad

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It's a sad story, but I haven't played any proper games this week. With all the Xbox One news I've generally been reading internet forums to see what the reaction has been. I did have the odd go on 4 Pics 1 Word, which I believe started on Facebook but was introduced to me by my little sister. It's an incredibly basic concept, where you are shown four pictures and have to guess the word that links them all. The fact that from time to time you feel like a genius makes this strangely compelling, even if you'll hate yourself and regret the time you spent with it by the end.

Simon Miller, Editor-In-Chief - Into The Dead, iOS

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Confused as to what I should play this week, the lovely David Scammell told me to try Into The Dead, an endless runner that features... wait for it... zombies! It follows all the rules the genre dictates, so you run forward, a lot, and try to avoid the undead.

Like most of these games I initially dismissed it as 'tosh' before finding out how far our wonderful Deputy News Editor had run. As soon as that knowledge had lodged itself firmly in my brain, it all just started to make sense.

It's free, which is no bad thing, and while there's plenty of in-game add-ons to try and suck away your cash you don't really need to indulge in them if you don't want to. Furthermore, it has guns. And we all love guns.

David Scammell, Deputy News Editor - Hollyoaks, TV, the all-in-one video and audio entertainment system from Sony

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I heard soap operas were the next big thing in gaming, so I thought I'd give this a try. Didn't like it. The acting was dry and the story didn't make much sense. 3/10

What have you been playing? Let us know in the comments below!