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Wow Blue Post: The Way Of Gaining Pvp Gear Will Be Continue To Studied In The Future

Blizzard recently released a blue post on the official forum, announced that they will continue to study the way of gaining PvP gear. Following we will give you the detailed post content. By the way, there are cheap wow mounts for sale on our site, you can contact with us if you need.

Here is the origin blue post content:

"Okay, so, lots to cover here, and I don't have answers to every concern, but I'll try to hit what I can.

Let me start by saying that we are absolutely not ignoring or disregarding your feedback. I know that we've said that a lot, and I know that it's a hard line to believe when you're not seeing an immediate reaction or response to it. Truth is, we completely understand and even agree with a lot of the feedback we get, we just can't always immediately act on it. Sometimes changes can't be hotfixed and have to wait for a patch. Sometimes the right way to fix an issue has a lot of side effects that also need to be addressed, which makes it better suited for an expansion.

Of course, sometimes we just disagree. It;s important, I think, to draw a distinction between "disagreed" and "disregarded." Every day, we have debates and discussions internally that are based on feedback we've received. Sometimes we agree with that feedback, and sometimes we don't, but we always consider and discuss it.

Which brings me to the titular argument in this thread: that randomness in PvP gearing is inherently bad and should be removed entirely. We"ve talked about it a lot. It's been an almost daily topic of conversation here for months. We've argued back and forth, we've looked for every angle and perspective we can find, we've argued some more, and yes, we've experienced it ourselves in our own playtime. We disagree. Here's why:

There are two main rewards for participating in rated PVP. One of those is, obviously, rating. The higher your rating, the better you rank on the ladder, and the better your cosmetic rewards (titles, achievements, etc.) will be at the end of the season. For a lot of players, that's the "real " game, and gearing is just sort of this thing 王亚婷 #dhcb@wwurnc#!344@wyating that you have to do for a while first. That's a completely valid way to enjoy the game.

The other reward is the wow gear you earn via Conquest points. For many players, PVP is about killing other players, so you can get better loot, so you can kill other players harder. They don't particularly care about being the very best, they just want to have a fun time stomping on people. For this type of player, being fully geared is actually where the game ends. Once they can't possibly stomp any harder, the game starts to lose its appeal. This is also a completely valid way to enjoy the game.

Our challenge, then, is in finding a way to satisfy both types of player as much as possible, despite the fact that their opinions on what makes the game fun are often completely at odds with each other. So, our goal with gearing in Warlords was to let people get enough gear to start pushing for rating relatively quickly, while still making sure there was something left to earn once you're there.

That's how we landed on the current system. A player wearing a full set of Conquest gear they bought from a vendor is completely capable of earning Gladiator. It might not have your completely optimal stat distribution, but the difference is minor at most. Put another way, if you're losing rating, it's not because you have Multistrike instead of Versatility on your bracers. Still, if you're the sort of player who's PvPing for the gear, it gives you something of at least some small value to continue to earn.

So, why RNG and not, say, making Versatility gear purchasable after 27k? Simply put, we don't think that would actually feel any better for either type of player. It would make the gear grind longer for players who just want to push rating (as you wouldn't have been able to earn any of it until you were fully geared), and the type of player who just wants to be able to smash people would lose out on the chance to get a little bit ahead of everyone else earlier on.

All that being said, we agree that it's not ideal for the only methods of earning that gear to be Ashran or Rated BGs. I can't make any promises, but we're exploring some options to make it available through other forms of PvP. Just keep in mind that we do want there to be some extra incentive to participate in RBGs and Ashran."

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