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Increase your gaming ability by reading WebGL Game Development Book

WebGL Game Development was written by Sumeet Arora, the Founder and CTO of Evon Technologies and Founder of Logic Simplified. His achievements and vision has enabled him to mark a position in the IT industry. His sole purpose for publish this book is to provide awareness, about the benefits of WebGL.

The WebGL Game Development book have all the basic things that can help anyone in game development. This book is ideal for those programmers who wants to enhance their skills in developing games. WebGL Game Development can be understood by people who have knowledge of JavaScript, matrix operations, programming and vector. Besides, it can also be read, understand and implement by anyone who wants to learn about game development. It is a relevant book for the students who see their future in game development or as a game developer.

WebGL provide knowledge about many things that can prove a boon while developing a game. Besides, one can gain ample amount of knwoledge from this book, which are as follows:

Easy to add lights and camera to a WebGL scene
How to develop multiplayer games using WebGL
Difficult concepts like linear interpolation, quaternion mathematics and animating skinned models using matrix transformations can be handled easily
Simply create object animations by utilizing matrix transformations
Applying your physics engine into your WebGL game
Simple to launch 3D objects which are exported from Blender by using WebGL
One can understand texture mapping and apply textures to 3D objects

The elements of WebGL can be mixed with various HTML elements and amalgamate to develop creative, interactive and innovative graphical 3D objects.

This book contains interesting chapters like killing soilders in Contra, collecting coins in Super Mario and instantly turned into working out strategies in the World of Warcraft. It will guide you by image processing, creation of animated characters and adding effects as part of the web page canvas to the 2D/3D graphics. WebGL provides a medium to pour life into your gaming characters and will teach you how to make special effects in powerful 3D games. The beginning of each chapter manifest the underlying mathematics and its programmatic implementation and ends with the creation of the entire game.