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How To Make A Guild In Swtor

Creating a guild in Swtor is a good idea if you want to take your game to the next level. For those that don't know what a guild is, it is a group of players that cooperate in a group like setting. The main goal of a guild is to help each other progress within the game. A guild is best served if all of you have similar interests and player patterns. The benefits of a guild are as listed

Progress Further In The Game

You are able to progress further in the game at half the time than what you would take you if you were to go alone.

Strength In Numbers

There are strength in numbers which can be extremely helpful when you have to take down a large foe. You may be level 5 and the enemy could be level 10. With 3 more players that are level 5 and up, you can easily defeat them. Also during activities you can have each of your players split up. This will help you search large areas in about half the time.

How To Make A Guild In SWTOR

Making a guild in Stwor is easy. All you need to do is form a four member party, register them, and pay a one-time fee of 5,000 credits.

Step 1: Find A Four Member Party

This part is usually easy if you have friends that you play online with regularly. For me, I used friends from WoW to form my guild. All you need is four people (including yourself).

Note: Each member of your guild cannot be from an existing guild

Step 2: Pay a One-Time Fee

Next, you and the founding members of your guild will be required to pay a one-time fee of 5,000 credits. This may seem like a lot but it is close to nothing in SWTOR.

Step 3: Go To The Capital World And Register Your Guild

After you've paid the required amount you should head to the capital world for your faction. Type in your guild name and click create. There are two places where you can do this within the world. You can go to the Courescant- Republic, which is near the Galactic Trade Network under the Senate building's courtyard. Or you can go to the Dromund Kaas- Empire located at the galactic marketplace in Kaas City.

Additional Information

The leader of the group (Most likely the one who creates the guild) is the leader of the guild. However, they must be a level 10 character. As the leader, he can create ranks and assign powers associated with the rank.

Making a guild is a nice way to progress further the game and to become stronger.

To re-cap on how to make a guild in SWTOR:

1.) Find four founding members including yourself

2.) Pay 5,000 credits

3.) Go to the capitol world and register your guild

There you go. Have fun!