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Runescape Queen Black Dragon

The Queen Black Dragon (QBD) is one of the arch and a lot of alarming monsters in RuneScape, but for those adventurous abundant to face her and be able to survive continued abundant to put her aback into a abysmal sleep, she can be actual rewarding.

The quickest way to ability the Grotworm Burrow is via the Port Sarim lodestone and run northwest to the burrow access at the White Knight Camp. If you accept 50 Agility, afresh chase the red aisle on the map beneath which uses the adjustment from the top akin of the burrow to the bottom. If not, chase the blooming avenue through the lair.

Once you're accessible to action the Queen, investigate the aperture and afterwards account the admonishing message, you'll be teleport into the Queen's chamber.

As ahead mentioned, with a action akin of 900 the Queen Black Dragon is the fourth arch monster in the bold and the arch monster that accept to be soloed, so she is not to be taken lightly. Throughout the four Phases of the action she is able to use a amount of attacks and abilities that you accept to be able for and these are as follows:

Melee Attack:

The Queen will artlessly chaw you if you're aural affray ambit and this can hit up to 1,500.

Ranged Attack:

The Queen will angular aback afore across-the-board her arch beyond the platform. This able of hitting over 2,000.

Standard Dragonfire:

The Queen will occasionally breathe dragonfire which cannot be absolutely blocked even with Super antifires, but will be bound to a max of 800 with abounding dragonfire aegis (Super antifire or accustomed Antifire and Dragonfire shield).

Fire Wall:

Before application this attack, you'll see "The Queen Black Dragon takes a huge breath" arise in your chatbox and you now accept a few abnormal to adapt afore the Queen breathes a Fire bank which will move south beyond the platform. If it touches you, afresh it will hit 750 every additional until it passes you, about it can be abhorred by searching for the gap in the bank and active through this. Therefore, if you see the bulletin you should run to the south ancillary of the belvedere to accord yourself added time to ability the gap.

Giant worms:

At the end of anniversary Phase, the Queen will discharge out a amount of Giant worms (level 72) that will advance you with Magic. However, these should be abandoned for the continuance of the fight.

Tortured Souls:

Beginning on Appearance 2 you may see the bulletin "The Queen Black Dragon amendment one/several of her captured souls" afore she amendment a Tortured body (level 93).

You should should annihilate this anon as afterwards a abbreviate time she is able to carry bloom from them at a amount of RS Gold 200 per additional for a absolute of 4,000 each.

The souls themelves can accord abundant accident by unleashing a Chaotic billow just afterwards they appears that will chase you about until they hits you or a Giant worm, ambidextrous 1,000+ accident each.

Hardened Carapace and Crystal Forms:

From Appearance 3 advanced the Queen may change to either a Hardened Carapace or Crystal form. If she switches to Hardened Carapace, you'll see the bulletin "The Queen Black Dragon hardens her carapace; she is added aggressive to concrete damage, but added accessible to magic" which agency that Ambit and Affray attacks are beneath authentic and weaker, accordingly abundantly slowing down the phase.

When she changes to Crystal form, you'll see the bulletin "The Queen Black Dragon takes on the bendability of crystal; she is added aggressive to magic, but weaker to concrete damage" which agency that Affray and Ranged attacks are added authentic and accord added damage, accordingly abundantly dispatch up the phase.

After 1 minute or at the end of the phase, these will abrasion off and she'll acknowledgment to normal.

Extreme Dragonfire:

On Appearance 4 the Queen is able to use her a lot of able advance which will be appear with the bulletin "The Queen Black Dragon gathers her backbone to breathe acutely hot flames." As anon as you see this, you should anon move abroad from the average to the abandon of the belvedere as this advance will hit 1,950 three times in accelerated assumption for a absolute of 5,850 if you're in the middle, or 750 three times for a absolute of 2,250 if you're at the sides.

On Appearance 4 you should attending out for a Tortured body that appears in the corners of the belvedere and shouts "Kill me mortal...quickly! HURRY! BEFORE THE SPELL IS COMPLETE!" You should annihilate this anon as afterwards a abbreviate time it will stop time for aggregate but the Queen Black Dragon, acceptance her to abide attacking, but preventing you from bistro or advancing aback and is added than able of killing you afore you are freed afterwards about 10 seconds.

Fight Phases:

The action with the Queen is disconnected into four added difficult phases. A breakdown of anniversary follows:

Phase 1:

At the alpha of the action you'll accept to delay a moment for the Queen to deathwatch up and during this time you should alcohol your potions and actuate Protect from/Deflect Ranged if you haven't already done so.

Once she's awake, actuate advancing her and watch out for her the orange admonishing in your chatbox that she's about to absolve a Fire wall. Abstain this by active abroad from her and casual through the gap as the bank moves appear you, or just catchbasin the hit and abide damaging the Queen until her bloom bar is absolutely drained and she loses concentration, acceptance you to actuate the aboriginal Dragonkin achievement in the centre of the platform. She'll now absolutely alleviate a discharge out a accumulation of Giant worms.

Phase 2:

Ignore the Giant worms and actuate advancing the Queen again. If she uses her Fire bank attack, a additional bank will chase the first, so be able to abstain both or yield added damage. She may aswell spawn a Tortured body on this phase, so bethink to annihilate it anon if she does.

Once her bloom is deleted again, the additional achievement will actuate southwest of the platform. Be acquainted that if you angle on the bewitched alleyway for too long, you will be dealt abundant damage. Already done, the Queen will alleviate and discharge out added Giant worms.

Phase 3:

At this point you may wish to about-face to Protect from/Deflect Abracadabra as the accident from the Giant worms will alpha to body up back there are so abounding of them. During this appearance her Fire walls appear in threes and she will spawn two Tortured souls. She may aswell alpha to change to her Hardened Carapace or Crystal form. Already you've depleted her bloom already again, the third achievement can be activated southeast of the platform.

Phase 4:

As with the antecedent phase, she is able to change anatomy and will use three Fire walls, but she she can now arouse four Tortured souls which are able to accord massive accident with their Chaotic clouds and in accession to the Queen's attacks, you'll charge to watch your bloom carefully to accomplish abiding you're not overwhelmed. In accession to this, you should watch out for the body that activates the Time Lock and be able for her Extreme dragonfire.

Once you've depleted the final bloom bar, actuate the achievement south of RuneScape gold the belvedere and the attraction befitting the Queen comatose will be restored.