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Runescape Consolidated Degradable Repair

There are so many types of degradable weapons and gears in Runescape, multiple items within each category. However, they just get different repair locations for separate types, which is inconvenient for players to repair the multiple items.

As players who need to do this, we don't want to take a long time to do the common things. So one of them pops up the proposal to solve the problem. His proposal is to consolidate all degradable item repairs.

Every repair location should be capable of servicing every item type, and the default repair setting would be to repair all degraded items that the player is currently carrying or wearing.

However, each repair provider could still be allowed to offer specific advantages to retain its uniqueness. Marmaros, for example, could continue to offer a token/cash combination payment option for any chaotics being repaired, while the POH armor stand could still provide a cost reduction on non-chaotics based on players' smithing levels. Alternatively, these benefits could become universal to further expedite item repair.

Repairing should be done as a right click option on the repair point. His recommendation would be a "Repair all" and a "Repair individual item", the latter which could then be followed by a click to select the worn or carried item to be repaired, which could be further followed by a prompt to repair all items of a specific group, defined by that repair point's unique benefits, if any. Both of these would then display a total repair cost, and a confirmation.

If properly implemented, this takes a process involving many clicks and interfaces, and travel to far removed places, down to a minimum of three clicks at a single location.

Is this possible to take place? However, this is just the recommendation and it is all up to Runescape. Thus, please support it on Runelabs.

Well, we need to explain that this is not our thoughts about the Runescape. We just repost it from the runescape forum, someone caled Brozki wrote it on the forum. He thought that there is a fundamental problem regarding attuned crystal weapons.

He has been killing crystal shapeshifters for the past 7-8 hours, perhaps a bit more, and have only reveived one attuned crystal seed. That was an armour seed.Crystal shapeshifters drop them at a rare rate, and Edimmu drop them at an uncommon rate.

Let's consider a few things. He doesn't have 90 slayer, which means he cannot kill Edimmu. Even if he didn't have the slayer requirements, he could only kill them if he was on a task for them.

Kalphite King and Araxxor both drops tier 90 weapons at the same rate you get attuned crystal seeds from crystal shapeshifters. To be fair, these bosses are much harder to kill than shapeshifters. The above being said, you still have to sing at the crystal bowl, requiring 90 smithing and a little grinding for harmonic dust to create the weapon you want.

To have access to shapeshifters & harmonic dust and Prifddinas in general, you must have a Grandmaster quest completed, which involves hours upon hours of subquests and skills and kills for the subquests.

To kill Araxxi and Kk, you don't have to access to Prifddinas, you just need relatively decent gear and a decent team. You have the same chance to get tier 90 weapons as somebody who grinded to be able to kill creatures for tier 80 weapons. However, to be fair again, you do need 90 crafting to 4rsgold RS Gold craft the weapon pieces from Araxxi, but that's no different than the crystal weaponry required to be sung with 90 smithing.