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Wow Epic Gruul Routine Equipment Strategy: Bear Tank Experience

An epic difficulty Gruul is the first boss of entire Blackstone foundry, to beat it, we need a very reasonable team combination, which requires high DPS and professional cure teammates. Meanwhile, some wow gears will help you beat the boss easier, so buy wow items here is highly recommend.

Hitting the floor heavy die, then the natural damage caused 5W each knife around the whole group would be. 2, petrochemical blow five seconds after the commencement of RL must be arranged in advance for everyone's position, well ahead of dispersion from within the radar 8 yards allowed to fire. 3, fireball try not to, especially when the three layers of flame DOT, hardly save. 4, rockfall named mechanisms should be random, so the number of stages of the usual melee bit, not too much.

Our team will be divided into two groups, under normal circumstances, the high tank damage reduction can eliminate this group SS1 DOT group name, CJQ1 name, DZ1 name, FS2 name, NQ1 name, JLM1 name, N Sa 1, plus a group of A total of nine people sharing, this group needs to eat a few knives in 1,2,3,7,8 total of five knives, DOT will have 45 seconds after the third layer 3 knife down, invincible knight can eliminate, every thief You can cloak, JLM possible permanent damage reduction, SM relatively little pit. Master can be eliminated by strong implicit DOT, FS in the final round before the third cycle in the refrigerator to eliminate knifed down by DOT, to prevent injury.

The second group is the name of the milk D1, D1 bird name, ZS2 name, CJQ1 name, ZQS1 name, popular name WS1, evil DK1 name, Holy one, LR two, plus T under normal circumstances is 11 people sharing. 4,5,6 will only eat a total of three knives, three layers DOT take milk and Germany Remote (rejuvenation - Primal - rejuvenation) Holy stiff brush, NQ 5 melee focused care.

The first round of the cycle where P1 2 knives smoke bombs, three knives ZS1 roar of blood, the blood of the song after five knives, six knives cover their evil by injury, 8 knives proficient. 9th knife Bear Tan Bark + iron + sacrifice + wings wood bark to eat alone.

The second round knife loop P1 2 ZS2 roar of blood, three knife itself by injury, five knives quiet, 6 knives cover their evil by injury, 8 knives smoke bomb. 9th knife WS meditation alone eat.

The third round knife loop P1 3 halo of blood song. 6 knife to sacrifice a single WS suppress eat wings.

Bear Tan hands of anti-BOSS, in the first round of P1 WS responsible 1,2,3,7,8 knife knife to eat, a total of five knives. Bear responsible for 4,5,6 and 9th knife knife to eat a single food, the second round in two tanks task cycle turn.

This is the best way to eliminate oppression combat, knife can be arranged after the seventh to the first pick of BOSS tanks, the first round in a bear alert, after the first 30 energy around 8 knives sacrifice arrangement, just eat can also use the single, because the fight against oppression is usually higher than 10 layers layers.

The third round of the cycle, the Bears first pick, former Mito WS eat, eat bear 4,5 knife, knife skills to WS sixth single to eat, then disperse violent wow items