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Making ISK In EVE Online

Making ISK in EVE Online


Nothing to do with rodents this, Rats is the EVE-Speak name for NPC Pirates, and ‘Ratting’ refers to the action of visiting the Asteroid belts that are found in nearly all systems and destroying the NPC pirates to collect the bounty on them. The bounty on each rat is directly linked to how difficult they are to kill, which in turn is connected to the Security Status of the system they are located in. As far as profitability is concerned, this technique is only really viable for making ISK in EVE if you have access to null sec (0.0 security status) systems, ‘High-sec’ rats (those found in 0.5-1.0 security space) have bounties that no one but the newest of players would be interested in and ‘Low-Sec’ rats, though more profitable, are still not really worth the effort and risk to make good ISK in EVE.


Mining is the process of using specialised mining turrets to laser chunks of ‘ore’ off of Asteroids (the same ones mentioned above that the rats can be found in) and haul the ore back to a station to sell or refine. Now, yes it is as dull as it sounds, and sadly for lovers of the dreary it is also not a remarkably efficient method of making good ISK in EVE. As with ratting, the lower the sec status of the system you are mining in, the more valuable the ore you can find, although the balance of this system is a little broken in the game at the moment, as hardly anyone sane would mine in low sec as the risk reward balance is so small as to be invisible. Mining also requires a degree of skill specialisation that pretty much negates it as a sideline ISK maker, as to use the most efficient mining ships takes a relatively long time to train for, diverting the more combat keen pilots away from their preferred skill goals. The main plus point is Mining can be a good semi-afk way of making ISK in EVE, as the Mining lasers take a while to fill your cargo hold you can get on with something else whilst it’s going on.


Mission running is possibly the best way of making ISK in EVE early on, it is more profitable and safer in general than the previous two methods mentioned, and as your standings with whatever NPC corp you are running for improve you get access to better and more profitable missions. It can take a while to get the required ‘standings’ with a particular corporation but is well worth the grind in the long run. Another method of making ISK in EVE involving missions is to run them with a friend, preferably from your point of view a more experienced and older player who has access to the good missions, that way you can get a feel of the harder missions and make some ISK in the meantime.

Want to learn how to make ISK in EVE online and become a billionaire? Click on this guide to see the tricks and tips!