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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Combat Training Guide

Combat Training is a great way to get use to playing Black Ops, or Call Of Duty for that matter. Combat training allows you to use guns the same weapons against computer generated enemies. You can play Team Deathmatch or Free-For-All. Here is some information you might find useful when doing combat training:

  • Set high. Set the amount of kills to win at a high amount. The highest you can go is 300,000, which is 300 deaths. Set the time to unlimited to make sure you get all the way to 300.
  • Make it easy for you. Use a map you like, or a small map, like Nuketown. Also, set it to Recruit so the enemies won't plow you over. If you set it at Hardened or Veteran, the enemies can turn on a dime and shoot you. They don't even have to see you, but they will turn and kill you. Sometimes on Recruit, the enemies will get unlikely shots too, but it's not nearly as often.
  • Set the killstreaks. Only use killstreaks that are actually useful. A counter-spy plane on computer generated enemies is useless. Attack dogs, chopper gunners, and the blackbird are the killstreaks I typically use. Also, the RC-XD car is fun to use. It's good experience to use some of the killstreaks on these so if you get them in game, you can use them.
  • Practice using all guns. This is the best way to get good with any/all of the guns available. Become a pro sniper or learn to scalp anybody, now is the time to learn. You don't have to worry about anybody else complaining about you having a low score.
  • Find YOUR gun. You can learn which gun you work best with what attachments/perks you need. Finding this now can save you a lot of time in the future when playing against other players. You can also figure out what works best for you in different areas. Not all perks and weapons are the best in every area. Some guns/perks can be used in all areas, but others may be better.
  • Just practice! If you want, up the difficulty and become a Black Ops Multiplayer pro! The harder levels can actually give you better practice than playing other people. But don't worry, there is always at least one other person that is better at something on a different map.

Best of luck at becoming famous in the Black Ops world.

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