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How To Make Money On Runescape | Tips For Making Gold

Tips to Making Gold in Runescape

Making gold in Runescape can be difficult, especially when just starting out. But do not despair, it is possible and not so difficult as you think it is, when you know what to do.


If you are a decent combat level, then train slayer, on and on and on. It is possible to increase your combat and slayer skills quickly be concentrating on it and doing only those skills. Plus there is a huge advantage to doing these skills, things get easier, and you earn loads of cash from doing it.


Some people enjoy woodcutting, but it can become boring when you are doing it all the time, but it is one of the skills which I recommend that you train, because you can earn loads of money from doing it. Keep training woodcutting until you have reached level 65 at least, then you can start to make money quickly. When you reach level 75 in woodcutting, it will become even easier because the logs are worth more, although they take longer because the logs which you will be cutting then are magic logs. It is possible to make up to 10M per week through woodcutting.


Get that mining skill as high as you can. Iron and coal when stacked, can achieve huge amounts of gold, and the longer you spend doing the skill the easier it will become to get the ore to make the money. I recommend that you stack the iron and the coal to at least 1000 increments, this is easier to sell and it also gets you more money quicker because you aren't wasting time trying to sell small amounts which nobody wants.

How to Make Money on Runescape Using Merchanting

Buy things and sell them for higher than you originally paid for them to make money on Runescape. It is quite difficult to do when you first start out doing this method because for several reasons: • Lack of cash • Knowing what the merchant • Knowing when to buy • Knowing when to sell • How to reinvest your earnings to make more money

Well here is a few tips on what to do.

1. Do the above mentioned skills in order to earn a good amount of money to start merchanting properly. 2. Check out the Grand Exchange database for information on what items are good to merchant 3. If an item is doing well then that is the best time to buy, don't buy the item if it is decreasing in price 4. Selling is one of the hardest parts, you can either hold on to item for a long time to see if you will make more money, but there is higher risk of losing all your profits by doing this, or sell the item the next day or 2 days down the line just for profit. 5. Reinvest into items which are doing similar on the market and are increasing in value and not decreasing.

You now know how to make money on Runescape, so get out there and get to it, and give it a try, it isn't that hard.