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Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Part 104 – Sawtooth Cauldron: Capture The Flags

Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Part 104 – Sawtooth Cauldron: Capture The Flags

Time for the Slabs to show up the rival gang found in the Sawtooth Cauldron. This is a simpler mission where you need to collect and replace a number of flags found around the Cauldron.

Place Scalding Remnants
Time to hit the Scalding Remnants and deal with the flag. Fight your way through to the West then North through the Bandit camps at the top of the Cauldron. You need to make it to the Northwestern part of the Scalding Remnants and they are not making it easy. You need to be careful as you enter the area as there are a number of Threshers around on top of the bandits. Once you make it to the flag you only need to place it and raise it to start the next part. You need to defend the generator as it raises the flag skyward. Do yourself a favor and pull out a fast corrosive-type weapon or explosive-type. You need to fend off a number of buzzards at this location to raise the flag. Move to avoid the worst of the damage and do your best to take down the Buzzards quickly. Once the flag is raised Brick will tell you to blast the generator to stop the Sawteeth from lowering it.

Place Sawtooth Stilts Flag
You need to get to the Northern side of town. Head to the East from the first flag and it will not be too long before you are above the flag. This means fighting through a lot of bandits but that is nothing too new at all. Once you get there and place the flag you will need to defend the generator while it raises the flag. This leads to a massive amount of Marauders, Nomads and Psychos coming at you. Just defend the location as best you can. Each time the generator goes down you will need to reset it to press forward with this mission. Just keep it up until the flag is raised. After that Brick will tell you to go ahead and blast the generator to stop them from lowering it.

Place the Main Street Reservoir Flag
Head to the South and through the cavern to the Main Street Reservoir that sits below. You have plenty to deal with on the way through so restock on ammo if you get the chance. Now just head over to the Eastern side of the Reservoir to find the flag location. Hit the generator power and then you need to deal with some Buzzards. Once again, use your corrosive-type or explosive-type weaponry to make this stretch a lot easier. Once the flag is in place, you must destroy the generator. With that, the mission is done. Head back to Sanctuary and return to Brick to collect your rewards.

Rewards: 6983, Skin Customization