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The Video Game from Hell; is It Taking Your Child to the Devil?

Video games have been becoming progressively more violent and filled with more and more sex. Most parents would agree that this cannot possibly be a positive thing for the adolescent and often impressionable teenage brain. And just when you thought it could not get any worse. Now there is a video game from hell, actually straight to hell. One very concerned parent states in an online think tank;

“There is even a game that the object is to go down into the 9 levels of hell. Every fibre of my being screams ‘run the other way you fool!’ Who in their right mind would WANT to go into Hell?!? Anyway, in that game, the gamer must kill everyone they come in contact with, steal whatever that character has and keep going downward.”

Indeed but who created hell anyway? Humans who wanted to religiously enslave the masses and thus if a little human fears hell and can conquer that fear, then think of that. That could be considered a good thing, but you bring up a good point, why bother allowing kids to play such ridiculous games anyway? Good point. Yet the concerned parent will not be swayed that easily and continues in stating;

“By the time they get to the 9th level (ostensibly to kill the devil), they have become his without realizing it.”

Ah the irony of the Good and Evil debate at last. Well we may as well address this too then. Perhaps at the end of the game is the best lesson of all then. Be careful what you wish for? And be careful what you label. But isn’t that indeed a life lesson, we all learn? Might be nice to learn such while one is young. Yet, indeed there are much better ways to do it. Shouldn’t all parents take an interest in learning what sort of video games their children are playing? Consider this in 2006.

“Lance Winslow” – Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http:///share_save">