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Computer Games; Sci Fiction Military and Space Discussion

If you are a designer and programmer of computer games and you are considering the genre of a science-fiction military video game or computer game, which is put into a setting of planetary war with the use of space applications then you’ll need to think a little ahead to the year 2100. We all know the United States military is developing space weapons along with the Chinese military buildup.

There are lots of reasons why you need to consider the actual probable futures for your video games of course, mainly because you must consider the use of satellites in guided munitions, GPS and the overall net centric warfare battle space.

It would behoove you to study up on scram jet engines, methane propelled space vehicles and intercontinental ballistic weapons. Also is important to understand micro satellites, the new United States Air Force Research Lab’s Boeing 747 laser weapon and also about the Israeli THEL.

You see if you want to make your computer science-fiction military space games realistic in every way and you want to thrill gamers then you need to be up on the current technology and study all the possible futures which will be here within a few decades or at least on the drawing board for the future.

Designing a computer game which is pure science-fiction fantasy in a military space war may be exciting, but to please gammers it must be based in at least some reality such as George Lucas is Star Wars. Think others in 2006.

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