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How to Manage a Loot Council in WoW

A loot council is a simple way to distribute loot in theory. A designated group looks at the loot that drops, looks at who wants it, and decides the best fit. Sounds easy right? There are problems though since people’s perceptions, bias, and feelings are involved, it can turn ugly quickly.

One of the most basic things that can cause drama around any loot system is players not understanding it, or the raid leader not explaining it clearly. So, before we look at some of the ways to minimize the drama around a loot council let’s run through some basic loot council rules. I promise that if everyone knows the rules and understands them, you will have fewer issues in the long run.

Loot Council Rules

The first thing you need to know about a loot council is that it really should only be used when it is a full guild run. Recruits that you are looking at are OK to be included, but not just any old PUG player. The basics to running a loot council are as follows:

1 – The loot council should be made up of the raid leader and several guild officers. They should have access to a separate Vent channel or raid channel to discuss loot distribution.

2 – Raids are run with Master Loot on and one of the loot council is given control.

3 – When items drop from a boss, or an epic from trash, it is linked in raid and everyone that is interested speaks up. A last call warning is given from the loot council and then they leave to discuss it.

4 – The loot council then discusses who should get the item and why. The things that should go into the decision are individual to your loot council but are generally.

5 – The gear is then given to the person that the loot council awards it to and the group moves on.

6 – No public complaints are allowed after distribution, all discussion must be with a loot council member.

You can make any rule changes to the standards that you want, but it is critical that they happen before a run not during a run. If done in the middle of a run, you are just asking for trouble and for people saying you are doing it to play favorites to someone.

Even though loot council is not like a DKP based system and each piece should be given on the merit at that time, you really should also keep track of loot over time. Sometimes loot should be given to a player that is there all the time even though it is a small upgrade if they have not been given anything in a long time. It is very easy to forget that you haven’t given a certain player gear in 5 weeks, since you are dealing with 24 other players; however I guarantee that player will not forget. is a support of website who would give info about <a href=”http:///”>WOW Gold</a>. Here you can get what you want to know.