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Dead Space 2 Credit/Power Node Glitch

Dead Space 2 Credit/Power Node Glitch

Dead Space 2 Credit/Power Node Glitch

Much like the last game Dead Space 2 also has a credit/power node Glitch in it. Though you don’t need as many credits and power nodes in this game to get the trophy/achievements you still do need a fair few. Check it out.

Unfortunately you can’t do this until chapter 14 which is way into the game. Doing it nets you two power nodes and a ruby semi conductor(worth 10,000 credits). The user Jpric18 on youtube made this video here that shows you how to do the glitch. He does it on 360 but I tested it on Ps3 and it works on that as well. Be sure to check it out and comment on it if you use it. Be sure to use it soon because it may get patched. Though a bit tedious it saves you from going back through the game to upgrade all your weapons.

Check back later for more Dead Space 2 credit/power node glitches.