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What efforts of various runestones matching with each single skill in Diablo 3

And what effect will appear after using the  runestones in a single skill each? It will introduce to you below.
1.Sweeping Wind is the monk skills to against monsters by the side, casting a powerful odds of the vortex cause damage to any nearby enemy. Crimson – stick the wind will cause more damage effect. Indigo – increase the area of effect damage to an enemy and additional fire damage. Obsidian – become a whirlwind airflow around the monk range, any closer monsters will be damaged. Golden – increase regeneration rate. Alabaster – The attack of the monk will roll up a dust storm, caused the damage of monsters around him and beat them.

2.Ray of Frost is the Wizard’s directional beam attack. It can damage the target and at the same time freeze them, and reduce the movement speed and attack speed of them. Crimson – Increase beam damage and extend the duration time. Indigo – The Wizard is surrounded by a whirlwind of ice, any closer monsters will be damaged. Obsidian – reduce the damage of beam, but will increase the movement and attack speed slowing down the effect. Golden – reduce the arcane energy consumption. Alabaster – the enemy killed by the beam will freeze the ground and cause damage to the enemy by walking through above.

3.The whirlwind is the barbarian’s signature skills. The angry storm type attack will vanish continuously on the road to advance to the enemy. Crimson – In all directions throw gravel and lava, caused area damage effects. Indigo – The barbarian in rotation process launched out small whirlwind, directly on the damage to the target. Obsidian – the barbarian in the whirlwind process will not be restricted movement effects. Golden – Reduce skills powers cost. Alabaster – The whirlwind critical strike will let the enemy confused, and against other creatures in a short time.

4.Acid Cloud are the Witch Doctor conjures the evil spirit with mouth spray acid, spewing out strongly corrosive to any of the guy below it, will melt the skin of death terrible skills. Crimson – straight not continue to damage effect. Indigo – increase the area of effect radius. Obsidian – release the slime and attack the nearby enemy. Golden – append a disease effect and cause periodic damage to the enemy. Alabaster – The witch doctor ahead toward spewing out a stream of acid and form a beach acid pool.

5.Cluster Arrow is one of the Demon Hunter’s powerful skills, launch the flame bomb and explosion as soon as hitting, and at the same time, to cast another bomb and explode later. Crimson – Increase the fire damage when hitting. Indigo – Do not cast bombs, but the tracking rockets after the explosion. Obsidian – Cluster Arrow is launched into the air, and drops bombs to the surrounding areas. Golden – explosion after release not bombs, but the shadow creature attack nearby monsters, and blood sucking feedback to the monster hunter. Alabaster – The bomb exploded incidental stun effect.