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Single player v/s multi-player free online games

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Free online games have become one of the best entertainment sources for millions of people from all around the world. Due to the increasing demand of free online games, the game developers have developed numerous games of different categories such as, action, pool, sports, multiplayer, puzzle games and many more. Excluding the multiplayer games all other games are categorized under the single player games. You can easily find thousands of games under single player and multiplayer games online. Following are some of the important points that will distinguish between single player and multiplayer games available for free online.

Responsibility of player: While playing a single player game the player the solely responsible in completing the level but in multiplayer game the player has to depend on his/her partner. For e.g. while playing games like counter strike all the players are responsible for the victory or loss where as in single player games like boomer man the only player is responsible to the results.

Excitement and fun: Single player games are traditional and offer same level of experience where as multi player games are new in the market and offer a different playing experience. However, some of the single player games with interesting levels will never make you bored, still multiplayer games gets more weightage as it combines the excitement and fun of all the players playing the game.

Proper Understanding: In multiplayer game there is necessity of good understanding between the players. If the understanding is not good it becomes difficult to complete the levels. But in Single player games, there is no requirement for understanding as no other player is involved in the game. The player himself can take the decision and make his move to complete the level easily.

Different variety of Games: You may have to compromise with the choice of game because only few games are offering multiplayer gaming facility. However, sooner there will be more such games but for now the number of multiplayer games is very less as compared to the huge variety of single player free online games.

There are many more points that we can highlight to distinguish between single player and multiplayer games, but we hope its better leaving the decision on the players. Every player has its different opinion and they may like playing either single player or multiplayer games online. Some player may also like both as playing either single player or multiplayer for long time may feel bored. In short, both the gaming categories have their own importance and both are liked by millions of players from all around the world.

There are numerous website online that offer free single player as well as multiplayer games not only in English but also in regional languages like