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Cheap Gold for Old School Runescape with 3 Reasons to Play 07Scape


Since its restoration on February 22, 2013, the oldscape has kept #RT3028U hundreds of thousands of players busy and also a rise demand of cheap old school runescape gold. Of course, there are as many reasons to play old school Runescape as there are players already doing it, but here we focus on the underlying reasons brought about by the game itself:

A fresh start

On the standard Runescape servers there are so many players with maxed out skills that making it to the hiscores just is not doable if you have a life outside of Runescape. On the old school servers anyone can make it to the hiscores within reasonable time, and even if it just lasts for a few days, at least you had your moment in the sun. What you need to do is to stock enough buy old school runescape gold and fight for glory. On the old school servers everyone is given a fresh start and anyone can become someone who matters without too much of an effort.

Barter Based Economy

In August 2007 there was no Grand Exchange in Runescape. To buy from or sell to other players on old school servers you must find your buyer/seller and agree upon a price. This may sound cumbersome to those used to the Grand Exchange but it adds so much depth to the game. In fact, it becomes a whole different game. It becomes a skill to know the price of items, where to trade for them, and how to read your fellow player’s mind. How much does he want the item in question? How to find buy old runescape gold ? How much of that can I get him to spend? To become a master merchant you must master both prices, players, time, and space.

No Evolution of Combat

Evolution of combat was brought about to balance the combat triangle which was slightly dominated by melee, make combat less about items and more about player skill, and ultimately encourage a larger variety in equipment. That’s all commendable but let’s not forget that by making items less distinguished you also take away some common goals that players have shared for years. It is a good thing when players desire the same item. It sparks inspiration, admiration, cooperation, trade, envy, friction, and pking. There is no such thing as a balanced game in so far as game mechanics. The true balance of a game is that between the known and the unknown. Throw too much of the unknown at the player and he is instantly turned off. Give him too much of what he already has experience with and it’s boring. Hopefully, Jagex will now have EoC RS and a old school rs with out eoc for the players to choose.

We tried to give those who were not around back in August 2007 and those who have forgotten the glory of the past 3 reasons to play old school Runescape. Whether you agree or not, and maybe you have other reasons to enter this new old game, now as soon as you determined to enjoy this special old school runescape, come to rsorder for the cheapest runescape gold ! We strive to be your best game companion in both EoC RuneScape and the 2007 RuneScape!