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Rush for free rs 2007 gold on!

Thanksgiving is coming to us nearer and nearer! Who will you thanks for? Thanks for the tolerance of your parents. Thanks for the company of your friends. And thanks for the hard working of your teachers. We are here going to thanks for your support to RSorder. In order to show the huge thanks to all of our customers, RSorder has prepared a total of free 200M runescape 2007 gold as the gift. Please accept our thanks by joining RSorder – Free 200M RS 2007 Gold Thanksgiving Flash Sale!

How to participate in RSorder Flash Sale?

1. Thanksgiving Flash Sale on RSorder will be started at 03:00 am on November 28, 2013 GMT.
2. Please pay attention to our countdown at the Flash Sale page, when the time goes to zero, quickly hit “Buy Now”.
3. There is no need to select a payment method from the payment page and it will be defaulted to “Pay Free”.
4. Don’t forget to contact our 24/7 Live Chat for delivering free 2007 runescape gold after your order is successfully paid.

Terms and Conditions

1. There will be totally 200M free old rs gold for you to snap up and each order contains 1M rs 2007 gold. Please note that everyone just has only one time to snap up old school rs gold for free.
2. Please note that only RSorder members can participate in this crazy party. If you are not RSorder member yet, please register an account.
3. You need to fill in the correct information, such as email address and display name when complete the order, or there will be no free gold for you.
4. RSorder reserves all rights for the explanation of Thanksgiving Flash Sale.

Mark the date, the free rs 2007 gold will never wait for you! Thanks for being with us in the past 5 years and wish you good luck! More info: http:///profile/news/read/id/833