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Shooting of Warcraft Movie Has Begun! Buy WOW Gold to Witness the Full-bloom WOW

World of warcraft, one of the most popular mmog, has impressed on the world, and players has been excited for the decision of Warcraft movie. Recently, it has had a plan that this movie has started shooting on January 13, 2014 and will be released on March 11, 2016. With the approaching of the date, players’ desires for the film have been growing about the actors and the plots.

After Duncan Jones is ascertained to be the director of this film, it is reported that Dominic Cooper will join in the team. The cooperation of these two celebrities makes players seethe with the excitement, because they are outstanding in their fields respectively.

As the celebrities show their attentions on this film, players are hopeful about the quality of the movie and also give their suggestions as an audience from seven aspects.

The length of the movie

Since every character has a detailed background in WOW, and players must spend a long time to upgrade one of their characters, players think the movie can last 3 hours at least to present a real World of Warcraft. Players would like to see how the heroes grow up step by step rather than a brief introduction.

The epic plot

Players wish the role’s experiences will reflect the quests in the game, provided there are a variety of epic quests in WOW. If the main characters in the movie, just like the characters in game, rush about on Azeroth to complete their missions, it is more vivid for players. Thus, the film will be closer to players’ game experience and more convinced to players.

Long journey

Players have a doubt that whether the changes among different types of topography in the movie are as distinct as in the game. Since Azeroth ranges from Kalimdor to Northrend, and to cross it, characters sometimes need to hike, sometimes ride various mounts or broad the battleships or airships. Players wonder if these transportation tools will be presented in the movie.

The death of cruelty

In game, not every character is lucky, and bloody death often happens on some characters. Players think, in Warcraft movie, those battle scenes should be kept, like the stones from the sky suddenly, the walls and towers cracking and collapsing, and the land filled with blood.


In the propaganda of WOW, Druid jumps and jumps, and turns into a panther suddenly. Since this scene is vivid to show the transformation, it will be very impressive if parkour is designed into the movie.

The fierce fighting

According to the game, in order to stop the devil plans of schemers, the heroes with the marvelous spells lead their soldiers and fight the monsters. The soldiers wield their heavy weapons and fight the strange monsters with the brute force. The whole scene so compelling!

The sequel

As WOW has not an end, players hope that the movies about it will also be continued though Warcraft movie is still not released. Players look forward to the updates of WOW movies.

With the coming of Warcraft movie, World of Warcraft becomes more and more mature and will bring more and more surprise to players, so World of Warcraft will be more exciting. I believe no players want to lose the wonderful part of this game because of the lack of gold. as one of the best WOW gold sites will provide you with the cheapest gold and the best service.

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