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How to gain free Neverwinter astral Diamonds from in 2014 Easter

Respen’s Marvelous Game is live now! Have you taken part in the never-seen-before event? Safewow will supply best Neverwinter online astral diamonds for you at any time if you need.

Introduction to Respen’s Marvelous Game

Respen’s Marvelous Game is a table top game, and your character will be transformed into a mini statue. Out of its difference from other online mini games in Neverwinter, it is a new challenge on a whole new level.

There are two adventures in Respen’s Game. Each player who queues for this event will be sent to one of these two adventures randomly to play through, and there are two different maps in each adventure. Moreover, each map has its own theme.

The first adventure requires players and their party to go through a forest taken over by Orcs and save an eleven princess. Meanwhile, the second adventure needs players to clear up the D&D Monsters in the Dreadful Dungeon, and seize back the sovereignty of the Dreadful Dungeon.

This event has been available since April 1, 2014, and the conflict has been white-hot now. On April 4, the event will end at 10 A.M PDT. When the triumph horns blare, the winners will harvest their rewards.

Rewards for the adventurers

To complete the adventure, players will be rewarded a green slime companion, which is playful and can be a soul-mate just on its good side.

The initial power points of the green slime are in power, critical strike and armor penetration. It has one active bonus to increase in Defense, and three powers, including Acid Aura, Engulf, and Thick Sludge. Specifically, Acid Aura can prevent enemies from dealing damage, and Engulf can make players catch the targets and pull them into the slime. Once a target is hit by Acid Aura, it will be caught in the sludge which will make it slow down.

In addition, players will also get other rewards, including an adorable furry pet, Lliira’s Fare, Lathander’s Dew, Neverwintan Red Veins, and Crystal Dice.

Respen’s Marvelous Game is entering the sprint, so players should collect the cheap Neverwinter Astral Diamonds to catch the rewards.

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