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Never miss Double Glory Event and safewow free neverwinter astral diamonds Promo now

With the announcement of the Neverwinter Combat League (NCL), we’re turning on Double Glory! We encourage all our players to test their skills in PvP in order to see their name on the leaderboard and have a chance at obtaining the Armored Bulette Mount.

During this event, you will receive double the amount of Glory that you would normally get in Neverwinter!

Event Begins: Thursday June 11 10:00AM PDT

Event Ends: Wednesday June 17 10:00AM PDT

Ever walk into the Trade of Blades after a long day in Neverwinter, looked in a vendor shop and drooled over the PvP gear that you can’t afford? We know you have, and this is just the event to help you to reach those goals, as well. You can also check our Glory Boosters to show Domination all you’ve got and keep fighting for that dream set of PvP gear.

Definitely a weekend you won’t want to miss. See you in Neverwinter!
Patch notes for tomorrow’s maintenance: 6/11 at 7AM PDT.

Rewards for the Neverwinter Combat League will cycle out through seasons. As players gather Combat Token through Domination matches and increasing their league rankings, they will be able to turn in the Tokens to Dugan Hammerfist at Trade of Blades in Protector’s Enclave. Make sure you select all your rewards prior to the conclusion of a season.
The Combat League Rare Goods Chace will supply addition Combat Tokens as well as a chance to grant a legacy reward from Call-to- Arms or Seasonal Events.

These aren’t the only rewards available for league participants. Check with Dugan Hammerfist for additional potential rewards including refinement kits, costumes, enchantments and more!

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