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How to Be a Good Healing Druid In Patch 4.3 ?

How to heal as an 85 restoration druid in Cataclysm ? As a healer druid in World of Warcraft (WOW), you have one of the best classes for healing yourself, in instances and in raids. How to heal as an 85 restoration druid in Cataclysm ? As a healer druid in World of Warcraft (WOW), you have one of the best classes for healing yourself, in instances and in raids. But what are the best tips for healing? How do you perform this role optimally? Let's find out here in this article. After all, being the most flexible class in WOW, you can specialize as a healer instead of damage or tank and have a lot of enjoyment to keep the team alive! Here are some tips for how to be a good healing druid. How to Be a Good Healing Druid In Patch 4.3 ?

1. Your druid healer build matters
By druid spec I mean, talent point build. If you're soloing, then it's faster to do so as a feral, so being a healer may not be the first choice. But if you can do them as a duo, then you can have a talent point build as a healer and the other person a tank/damage (dps). Place talents for a druid healing build in the restoration tree mostly and some in the others. Your effectiveness and cost of your healing spells will improve.

2. Get your gear spec right
Yes, the gear and armor you wear also affect your effectiveness vastly as a healer. If you gear spec correctly, then compared to a druid of the same level by geared towards dps, your amount of mana will be much higher. Yes, you can have 2 or more sets of gear and switch between them, if you enjoy playing more than one role. So put one set on and change to the other by using the character pane.Buy wow gold in all servers. Buy wow gold with 100% lowest price. Wow gold delivered within 5-15 mins.

3. Get your spell rotation optimal
When talking about dps, the spell rotation is a series of many moves, but in druid healing rotation, there are slightly less in number but how you use them and how often can be the crucial difference between keeping everyone alive in your team and wiping. Learn which is the smallest heal and least mana cost, and medium and the big heal e.g. Rejuvenate, Regrowth and Healing Touch. But then, know what Nature's swiftness does (a talent granted ability) which can save the tank's hide in dire situations. And also when to use resurrection spells and group healing spells.

4. Use the Vuh-do addon
The addon Vuh-do or a similar one makes healing go from fiddly and impractical to a real pleasure. Trying to heal by clicking on the character then clicking on a specific spell is time consuming and frustration, and most importantly very inefficient, and your team will wipe. Bind the mouse clicks left, middle and right, to the 3 most commonly used healing spells and others such as innervate and nature's swiftness to shift or control clicks. Then healing is much easier and you can focus on who you're healing and can see which heal over time is still active on them. In druid raid healing, you will be working rapidly on many players at once.

5. Watch out for traps
Some of the things that compromise your ability as a healer and that can make the entire team wipe are the traps that interrupt your healing. In challenging instances or raids, one or two of these interruptions for a few seconds each can mean that the tank dies and the team wipes. One is getting too much aggro by doing pre-healing, and the other is getting knocked back by powerful mob spells. Stand back from the action and at maximum range if this happens to avoid getting knocked over and not able to do your role.

A World of Warcraft blog about restoration druids, healing and raiding.So as you can see, there are some tips that you can use as a druid healer. There are more essential tips, but these are a few to get you going. As druid healers, you have some of the best, if not the best healing spells in WOW. When you know how to do your role effectively and keep them alive especially in challenging and heroic instances, then you have done your role really well.

Tongzhouseo May0625