The first bosses in Borderlands 2 are Boom and Bewm. Boom sits in a giant tank while Bewm flies around and tries flank you. There is a challenge here to not get shot by the tank. We will cover that in the guide so let’s go.
First off if you get hit by the tank you can reload your game and try again anytime after you beat him.
Bewm has a jet pack. He will fly around and land on any side of you and open fire. He really likes to keep you out of cover so the tank can hit you. If you let him just fire at you while you focus on the tank he will beat you. Be sure to deal with Bewm if he lands near you.
Big Bertha is the tank. The shot hurts and knocks you back. If the turret is stopped it means it is about to fire. FYI if you are a commando they will also target your turret so you can use that as a distraction.
Boom will come down after you kill Big Bertha. He has some armor but head shots are still crits. Aim for the head and stay behind cover. Just because he doesn’t have his tank anymore doesn’t mean he won’t kill you.
Right before the fight starts you need to drop off a ledge on the way to Flynt’s camp. Make sure you have enough ammo before you drop. could be aimed at you right when you drop and hit you right when you drop. It has happened to me twice. If it doesn’t hit you look left and you should see an upside down T set of bars to take cover behind. This is the place you want to stay until Bertha is down.
If you are behind the middle part Bertha will hit the outside and you wont be hit. After each shot you can get out and shoot for a couple of seconds then get back behind the cover. If Bewm is hitting you try to stay behind the cover and kill him. He will drop down then fly away after taking some damage. If you can crit him he might get knocked over and you can finish him in one sitting. After he is dead you can focus more on the tank.
You may have noticed the endless physcos coming at you. You should really make sure you are clear of them before you take a shot at Bertha. Check the mini map and if you have some distance in between you and them take a couple of shots at Bertha.
I played as the commando so I tossed my turret out at Bertha and it got targeted. While my turret took the hits I unloaded on Bertha while staying close to the cover over course. Eventually my turret died and I had to play the waiting game. Wait for the shot, pop out for a couple of seconds, go back to cover as he fires, kill physcos, reset. Just remember to use your special on Bertha as much as you can. If you don’t get hit and you win the fight you will get the challenge and get some points.
Once Bertha falls you still need to deal with Boom. He is a bit more tanky then Bewm but he still takes crit damage to head shots. Stick at some cover in case he breaks your shield but his damage isn’t insane so you can afford to take some hits. Use your special when you can and you will bring him down in no time.
Now you can move on to Flynt and beat the story quest. Check back soon for more guides!
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