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Starcraft 2 Terran Biological Styles And Barracks Strategies

Here is an overview as well as several useful strategies for managing Starcraft 2 Terran Biological Styles. The specific focus is on the biological units from the Barracks. This is the building that produces the base combat units of the game's human race.

The Terran are the descendants of a colony launched centuries ago from earth of government dissidents. The colony failed with few survivors. However, in doing what humans do best, they found a way to organize themselves and adapt on these many lifeless worlds among the very hostile native races.

In the history of the current galaxy, however, the Terran are the newcomers. They don't have the great technology of the Protoss or prowess of the Zerg. They rely solely on the ability of how their different units with specific strengths and weakness of their own function together as a whole. The player's challenge is to understand how to use the many tech trees to build up the separate units individually but only as far as their use in the overall scheme of unit composition.

The overall unit composition relies on the Terran's high defensive capabilities. Most of their mechanical styles are strong but immobile. Many players opt to play what is known as turtling, or waiting for somebody to attempt to attack them while they stay fortified so that they can safely build themselves up in size and number.

For offensive play, many choose to har[censored] their opponents. This refers to taking a small number of units in combination with strong means of mobility, and placing them to cause a minor conflict without engaging in a full on battle. This is useful for disrupting the enemy production or economy. Often this is used to catch an opponent off guard, perhaps long enough to gain overall advantage.

Whether deciding to play Terran in this way, the strength of the army combat units is crucial. Managing a biological, or bio-style strategy involving Barracks units and Medivacs that heal and transport combat units must be a priority. Barracks are a central part to the Terran tech tree for this style. It produces the ground infantry, and a Factory that allows production of more advanced units and allows Starport construction also requires a Barracks first to be built.

Barracks should be made in large numbers as they are not expensive and easily replaceable. Marines and marauders used as small groups, or squads, with plenty of Medivac support can ensure both high damage output and protection to key areas.

Another strategy that every Terran player should become familiar with is Walling in. This is the positioning of buildings in such a way to work with the terrain to make it difficult for an enemy to enter. Production facilities, bunkers and supply depots should be used to create such a wall.

The barracks can be used to get another significant advantage when it is proxied. This refers to moving it to a location so that units are able to be built nearer to the opponent. This is also an advantage, as this building is usually not easily scouted and can confuse the opponent with the sudden onslaught of marines.