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Some Starcraft 2 Terran Mechanical Styles

All Terran players should learn to use Starcraft 2 Terran Mechanical Styles in order to add this play style to their repertoire. This style focuses on the use of factory units. These units have high health and damage points, but are not very mobile or do not move with ease. Therefore, this strategy is position based and focuses on keeping the opponent at bay and holding important areas of the map by muscling out the opponent.

Terran players who use this style have the ability of playing defensively against Zerg players. They use Marines to defend the base during the early stages of the game. They also have access to Thors and Seige tanks, former which they use during later stages of the game to shut down Mutalisk harass.

Mech players usually have one chance to win or lose the game. Their first push is usually the determining factor. It is also known as the Doom Push. This push is performed after getting two more Refineries during the natural expansion, at the discretion of the player. The Push must be well planned and performed slowly and systematically.

The Mechanical army is vulnerable to attack when the Tanks are unseiged or alienated from the rest of the units. The main threat to this army is the Mutalisks which easily eliminate tanks or Banelings and Roaches which easily get rid of Thors. Moreover, the Doom Push should be done before Zerg reaches and Greater Spire technology, since the Brood Lord is very efficient against Terran mechanical units.

Using pure Mech strategy in the early game is not advised when facing a Protoss enemy. This is because of the counters available to the Protoss in the mid game. For example, Immortals are an effective counter for Siege tanks and Thors. Mech players are bound to suffer early in the game, but later in the game, with plenty of tanks and Ghosts for EMP, they become better especially against Protoss players.

There are various Terran mechanical units that you can use in this style of play. One of them is the siege tank. This is a very important part of the mechanical army. They have very remarkable burst damage when in siege mode and high damage capability when in tank mode, which makes it a very powerful unit when in a large group. However, some of the down sides of this unit are that it lacks anti air capabilities, cannot engage in close encounters when in siege mode and the Splash damage also affects friendly units.

The [censored] ion is also another unit that is in the Mech army. It is the most mobile and fragile factory unit. They are effective in early game attacks due to their splash damage and bonus damage against light units. Next, we have the Thor. This unit acts as the shield between the opponent and the siege tanks. Thors are very effective against Mutalisks. They have impressive quantities of hitpoints which makes them useful against all races.

Missile turrets are also good buildings to construct within in this army. They are used for detection of invisible units when you are using tanks in siege mode. Finally, we have support units such as the Viking which are used for long range target detection and anti air support.