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A Look At Starcraft 2 Dark Templar Tactics

Protoss players who intend to utilize every area of their army's potential should always spend some time looking into the best Starcraft 2 Dark Templar tactics. These units can play an invaluable role in any long-term Protoss game strategy, and can both disrupt enemy production or engage in devastating assaults on an opponent's forces. Their relative strengths and weaknesses, however, can make them a difficult unit to master.

First of all, every Dark Templar is permanently shrouded by a cloak that renders it virtually undetectable. In the early stages of battle against Terran players, this ability can prove devastating to an opponent. Terrans and Zerg have limited ways to detect cloaked enemies until later in the game, which means that a savvy Protoss player can har[censored] his opponent almost at will.

To make matters worse for the Terran player, the turrets that Terrans need to construct for better detection cannot attack the Dar Templar themselves. The Terran player who is attacked in this way can find himself wasting precious time at the beginning of the game, as well as critical resources that he may not have access to later. Obviously, this seemingly simple strategy can thoroughly alter game play right from the beginning of the match.

The Zerg have better detection in the mid game, which makes this type of assault less effective later on. However, Protoss players who support their Dark Templars with other units will find that they can still damage the Zerg enemy simply by having those support troops focus their attacks on the Zerg Overseers and Spore Crawlers.

Many players utilize a rush strategy that incorporates a horde of Probes, one or more Gateways, a Cybernetics Core, several Zealots, and several Dark Templar units. They rush production as much as possible, and then send the Zealots to execute harassment missions against the enemy base while researching the Warp Gate upgrade. They then build their Dark Templars using the warp gate, and warp the rest of their forces into the area.

While it is common for many rush strategies to simply attempt to overwhelm the opponent's forces, some players use this particular strategy in an attempt to strangle their enemy within his own base. They seal the opponent within his base, while seizing expansions of their own. Two Dark Templars can also be combined into an Archon if the enemy has too much detection on the field

The key to using Dark Templars effectively is to first remember their true value. While they are a powerful ground assault force, their stealth abilities makes them an even more valuable tool for covert harassment and resource disruption. Many players make the mistake of focusing so much on attacking enemy units that they forget that resource control is the true key to winning Starcraft 2 battles.

A Protoss leader who uses his Dark Templars as they were designed to be used will find himself with a far broader range of battlefield options than one who simply tries to overpower his enemy. Stealth and rapid strikes are sometimes the order of the day, and this unit is uniquely well-qualified to meet both demands. Players who incorporate these Starcraft 2 Dark Templar tactics into their strategies will quickly learn to appreciate that fact.