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The Importance Of Starcraft 2 High Templar Tactics

Protoss players have a great deal of mid-game options available to them, and many involve a basic understanding of the various Starcraft 2 High Templar tactics that are available. This powerful unit is almost universally feared by weaker forces and can prove devastating to opponents who have not properly anti[censored] ted its arrival on the battlefield.

This is due to the unit's Psionic Storm area of effect ability, as well as its energy-draining Feedback. The key for any player's success in battlefield situations is to recognize when and where the Templars can be used for best effect. Because of their high cost, they are not the type of units that any player wants to throw into battle recklessly.

First of all, players should recognize that this is one of two basic tech options for a Protoss mid-game strategy. The use of the Colossus is often chosen as the main strategy, simply because of that unit's easier technological transition. Both have similar area of effect potential, making them equally useful in offensive strategies. When High Templars are chosen, it is usually due to their flexibility in their additional abilities.

The Feedback ability is designed to stop enemy casters from using their abilities by damaging them with their own energy reserve. For instance, the casting of Feedback can deny Medivac units the opportunity to heal enemy troops and generally disrupt any enemy's casting strategies. Given the unit's vulnerability to Ghost EMP attacks, knowing how to use Feedback can be critical for disrupting those units before they can do any real damage.

Offensively, the High Templars have no real direct attack to speak of, and instead rely upon their Psionic Storm. This attack is one that most Protoss players must learn to utilize for long-term success, since it can destroy hordes of light enemy units in one attack. Because this capability is offset by relatively weak defenses, most players utilize High Templars as support units for other forces.

There are rush strategies that involve High Templars, but they are almost always used in conjunction with other types of units. Most players end up building light units in large quantities early on in the game, so a couple of High Templars can be an effective way to wipe out most of an enemy's weaker battle forces as the game progresses. Any rush that uses these units must include other units that are capable of defending the physically weak High Templars.

One tactic that is not as commonly seen these days is the Archon rush. This involves merging two High High Templar units together into one powerful ranged attack unit that is equally effective against both ground and flying troops. Unlike the High Templars from which they are formed, Archon units have strong defenses. As a general rule, though, they are only formed in instances where the High Templars on a battlefield have depleted energy levels or are otherwise rendered useless.

It takes time for a player to learn to properly use these units, since the exact strategies that need to be emplo[censored] can vary from opponent to opponent. For players who are willing to take the time to learn them, though, Starcraft 2 High High Templar tactics can be an essential part of any comprehensive game strategy.