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Developing Effective Starcraft 2 Colossus Tactics

Any Protoss player who wants to utilize the Protoss Colossi would do well to learn some of the best Starcraft 2 Colossus Tactics. As powerful as this unit is, there are definitely some essential techniques that every player must learn before he takes them into battle. The key is to successfully integrate these units into your battlefield strategy so that their incredible capabilities can be maximized to their fullest.

The Colossus unit is designed for one real purpose, and that is the destruction of lesser units. Its real value is in its ability to destroy hordes of these smaller units in just a few quick hits. They are often seen entering a battle just as the enemy believes that it is finally safe to send in his lighter units. The Colossus then delivers a series of devastating blows that can effectively clear those small units from any battlefield.

From a tactical standpoint, it is important to recognize the limitations of this unit. It is basically dead weight against the other heavy units that are encountered on the battlefield. Players who misuse them against these heavy units will find that all of the time and resources they spent developing their fleet of Colossi will have been wasted.

They are also not an effective unit for use in any battle that is currently being inundated by Immortals, Corruptors, Vikings, or similar units. Units designed to destroy flying forces are particularly effective against these Protoss Colossi, and can quickly destroy them. Players who are foolish enough to commit these forces into the wrong battlefield areas deserve to lose them.

Colossi are usually used in conjunction with Zealots, Stalkers and other units. When used as part of a rush strategy, the combined force types can effectively overwhelm an enemy's defenses before he fully realizes the danger. The key is to establish the Pylons and gateways needed for a mass-warping of forces into an enemy's territory. The Zealots can provide protection to the assembled Colossi and ensure that they survive to wreak havoc on the enemy.

At other times, these units can be an effective way to establish momentary control over a battlefield. Many players utilize them to seize a momentum advantage over an opponent who has committed a large number of weak forces to the battlefield. The appearance of just one Colossus can send enemies backpedaling to remove these light units from danger.

That brief moment of momentum can often be enough to allow the Protoss player to redirect the course of the battle to make better use of his own strengths. Against lesser enemies, it is often possible to kill a large number of these light units before the opponent decides to exercise the better part of valor.

Like other strong Starcraft units, this one definitely deserves more study. Players who want to master the art of using Protoss forces should be prepared to spend a great deal of time practicing different strategies that involve this powerful unit. Those who do, and who manage to develop their own Starcraft 2 Colossus tactics, will quickly learn the many benefits that these amazing units can provide.