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Learning Starcraft 2 Carrier Tactics

Many people will ensure they win a battle through whatever means necessary. Nobody wants to be a loser in any game. It is therefore very necessary that you prepare yourself enough for any battle. There are different tricks that you need to learn before facing an enemy. Starcraft 2 Carrier tactics are some of the skills should not be ignored as this unit can find use during the late game.

There are a variety of things one should learn along with these tactics. The guidelines cover some basic tips that have to be known and mastered. Some are general knowledge yet others are highly specific. All of them are extremely influential in any battle.

This is a huge air unit; it is strong and durable. It is meant to help in winning the battle. Its power will ensure that you destroy your opponent thoroughly. There is a stage at which these things are built. You do not start off with them. When introduced in the late game they can turn the tide in of the battle in your favor if properly used and supported.

Speed is terribly important sometimes if you need to win a battle. There are times when you will need to rush either towards or away from your enemy. The carrier air unit however is very heavy. This limits the pace of your advance. You therefore need to support your carriers with other units.

At times, you may come out with a lack of supporting units in battle. You will need to apply some tricks to ensure your carriers remain safe. One such trick is engaging the enemy and then moving the carriers back while their interceptors do the work.

There are some things that do not bode well for these carriers, these are things like Vikings and Corruptors which will rip the carriers to shreds. These are some of the things that you need to keep away from as much as possible.

However, there are certain things that are easily destro[censored] by the carriers. These units include Zerg Mutalisks and Terran Thors.

Learning Starcraft 2 Carrier Tactics is not very hard in theory, however they can be hard to master. While the carrier is seldom seen in competitive battles it is one thing you should not ignore. Just remember that they function best when supported by other units and that they can engage enemies from long distances while remaining relatively safe.